I'm well impressed! You've got clearly discernable, even layers, and the cake-to-cream ratio looks just about right. And you can pipe! (See, I too can do GBBF judging.)
My one and only attempt at Black Forest Gâteau was really quite spectacularly terrible, even by my standards: everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and after analysing the method and results, we concluded that recipe itself was seriously flawed anyway. So I'll be asking after your recipe at some point. :)
Oh, and I too failed to find any kirsch. Even Waitrose didn't have any!
Yay, I passed the cub inspection! (Even with my rubbish photos.)
I went to a single evening class of cake decorating where I discovered to my surprise I was pretty good at piping. The trick I think is to not go too slow, not go too fast and whatever you do - don't stop! The other thing is to have an over-abundance of whatever it is you're piping, I ran out here, which is why it got a bit patchy.
I was amazed kirsch was so hard to find, I see it in lots of recipes. I tried Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury's, M&S and Odd-bins and no one had any! You're very welcome to the recipe, I'll see if I can persuade our scanner to work and will email you a copy.
Comments 2
My one and only attempt at Black Forest Gâteau was really quite spectacularly terrible, even by my standards: everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and after analysing the method and results, we concluded that recipe itself was seriously flawed anyway. So I'll be asking after your recipe at some point. :)
Oh, and I too failed to find any kirsch. Even Waitrose didn't have any!
I went to a single evening class of cake decorating where I discovered to my surprise I was pretty good at piping. The trick I think is to not go too slow, not go too fast and whatever you do - don't stop! The other thing is to have an over-abundance of whatever it is you're piping, I ran out here, which is why it got a bit patchy.
I was amazed kirsch was so hard to find, I see it in lots of recipes. I tried Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsbury's, M&S and Odd-bins and no one had any! You're very welcome to the recipe, I'll see if I can persuade our scanner to work and will email you a copy.
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