(no subject)

Jun 08, 2012 22:16

Day 3 of mayqueen517's 30 Days of Creativity (I have done the other days, and may post pictures later)

Fic/Drabble: Oil & Water
Author: sullen_hearts
Pairing: Mike Carden/Kevin Jonas
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 382

They're oil and water. They don't mix and they shouldn't fit together. Mike is quiet, intense, a little scary, and swears more than anyone else Kevin has ever met. Kevin knows that his family is a little weird, that his upbringing was a little strange, and he knows that Mike will never be in the same place as him from a faith point of view. Mike consciously rejected religion in his mid-teens, and while he never mocks he is cynical of Kevin's faith, and often asks how Kevin can align himself with those who think he is going to hell for loving who he does.

Kevin can only answer that as far as he's concerned God is love and God made him just the way he is, and God is infinitely wise and maybe those closed-minded people are there to test him?

Mike raises one eyebrow and Kevin wishes and prays for Mike to understand, even though he sort of knows it might never happen.

If he ever asked, Mike would tell him that even though they are so different, that's partly why he likes it. Kevin challenges him and forces him to re-examine everything that he felt to be true. Kevin also grounds him and makes him feel safe; he never breaks a promise, unlike lots of other people in Mike's life. Kevin is constant and his love is pure and faithful, something that Mike didn't realise he needed until he found it.

As for Kevin, yes Mike curses, but it's so much a part of his personality that Kevin has come to find it endearing. Mike can be quiet, but he can hold his own in the Jonas family, which is great, as wallflowers get ignored. Mike remembers details and names of extended family, and never fails to ask Nick or Joe about something Kevin mentioned they were working on. He absorbs information like a sponge, and it makes Kevin realize just how much he cares when Mike surprises him with something else remembered.

Also, Mike is crazy intense, but when his pretty green eyes are widened at Kevin, his body angled towards him, blocking out the rest of the world and with ears only for whatever Kevin's saying, Kevin feels pretty much like the luckiest guy in the world.

skippy, fic, 30 days of creativity, idk i'm posting fic

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