So this weekend
was a very nice end to a somewhat boring vacation.
I didnt do that much this week besides go to my aunt & uncle's in
Madison , and go shopping [alot] with maria which,despite the lack of
cash moslt of the time, was very fun.
Yesterday was absolutley halarious. I went to jakes at about 8 , which
really really sucked because I had to leave a 1130 , because stupid me
never even thought to tell my mom I was sleeping over someone else's
house. So I couldnt sleep over and I really couldnt drink because I
had to drive home.
There was a butt-load of people and it was SO funny to see everyone
so incredibly drunk. When I arrived there "someone" was already drunk
off their ass , and continued to guzzle down booze like it was the last
day on earth, which I thought was funny until I realized it was only
9 and the night wasnt even half over. Anyway tons of people came , and
tons of people threw up , and everyone [it seamed] had a good time. I
am really glad I went because everyone was just so nice when their
drunk , and everyone made me laugh. And I was sad that I had to go ,
but If you ever throw another party like that jake , I will be sure
to make up some good effing lie to tell my mom so I will be able to
drink and also sleepover.
So I left the party and brought sam's friend Heather home because I
was just about the only sober person there and seeing as "someone"
was conked out I didnt think she would be able to leave until about
1 the next day, haha. So I dropped her off and went to a gas station
in rochester, heres were the night went completely screwy. Well I
pulled in and pumped gas , and grabbed my Irving gift
cirtificate and went inside I handed it to the guy at the conter and
it was responded with a " UM I'm sorry this is a SHELL station" I was
freaking out [and looking like a total sped because I never even
realized it was a shell station] I was wicked scared because I didnt
have barley any money , so I went back to the car and scrownged up
about 5 dollars and told the guy I would come right back with some
money , I remebered there was an irving right down the street so I
would buy like a pack of gum and get the money back , so I left and
the other fucking irving was closed to I drove back [almost in tears
becuase I didnt have any money] I digged out the about a dollar in
my cup holder and thankfully the guy just said it was ok , and I
said about a hundred times that I was "so sorry" , I felt like a
complete douche. That sucked so I will probally never go there ever
again or heres a thought I will check the sign next time
Today I was such a lazy ass I sat around until about 2 and stole
the car since my mom and dad weren't home and went to TJ MAXX. I
bought a sweatshirt , three pairs of underware[ones ralph lauren,
ones a hello killy, and the last one is tie-dye...just thought I
would let you know] , and a tank top. I was really hungry so I went
to Apple Bee's and got a togo Chicken Oriental Wrap-up
wich I highly recomend!! and thats about it. I heard we are suppose
to get a sowstorm tonight , but dont take my word for it because
more than likely we will have school , but would that not kick some
major patoosh if we didnt. anyway hope everyone had to bestest
Auf Wiedersehen Vacation