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rashiea July 24 2008, 18:33:57 UTC

... )


sumeragi_sei July 24 2008, 22:49:08 UTC
Of course~~ ^^
... )


rashiea July 24 2008, 22:51:12 UTC
Thank you!

Oh pretty! Thanks! ♥ Not sure what to offer you for it though honestly. I know I have another kakumei card in there somewhere, and a few Bleach cards lurking around if you want any of them. They like me or something; I keep getting them when I have no interest in them. Though I will admit the cards are pretty. XD;;


sumeragi_sei July 24 2008, 23:23:14 UTC
Welcome and thanks as well~~ ♥♥

Hmm... how about I hold it for you first but if nothing really comes up, I think I'd like that axeman10 or jellopy70... ^^;;
*lol* It's good to be stalked by beautiful cards. It's just difficult to get rid of them when there's no one collecting those cards. >.<;;


rashiea July 24 2008, 23:44:38 UTC
Sure. I seem to have tons of your keep cards as is. ^^;; If you see anything you need for something though, then you can always offer it for that. I think there are still a few claims for this week pending, so I'll keep an eye out for anything else as well. ^.^ ♥

I actually think those Sister cards are gorgeous, but I know absolutely nothing about them. Kinda surprised that more people don't collect some decks. DX


sumeragi_sei July 24 2008, 23:57:51 UTC
Thanks!^^♥ Will always keep that in mind~~ ;3

*lol* And yes, the sister cards are gorgeous... as well as, some of the brother cards.^^ Personally, I really like the artwork of Meine Liebe and is the main reason why I watched it. ^^;;
Dee once told me about some sort of wave like if there's someone collecting a particular deck, other people would follow suit or something. Perhaps they'd suddenly think that those cards are pretty and would want to collect those as well... ^^;; Although there are still those series that few people collect.... >.<;;


rashiea July 25 2008, 00:10:14 UTC
That's true, they do seem to come and go in waves. I've kind of thought that if/when I ever finish decks from all the series I do know, then I'll probably start collecting decks mostly by what I think is pretty. XD;;

Is Purple part of that series, too? It seems like similar artwork to me. Very pretty though!


sumeragi_sei July 25 2008, 01:54:53 UTC
Sorry for the lateness... had to do something at work... x__x;;

Does that mean that you'll also collect decks from series that you're not familiar with? XDD

Yep~ He's one of my favorite characters there. ^^ And the only Japanese, too. ^^;; Such beautiful men... XDD;;


rashiea July 25 2008, 03:26:50 UTC
No worries. I just barely got home from work.

Eventually possibly. There are a couple decks that I think are pretty, and I'd hate to drop out of the game just because there isn't a deck out with my favorite character that I haven't already collected or something. XD;;

The images from the deck at least are very pretty. I may have to try and check it out sometime. ^.^


sumeragi_sei July 25 2008, 03:37:28 UTC
Maa... I wanna go home as well...XDD;;

*lol* There'll always be new decks 'tho~~ ^^ I'm really excited with those new decks and it seems a lot of people are as well. <3

Hope you'll like it~~ ;3


rashiea July 25 2008, 03:39:23 UTC
This game is making my anime variety grow in leaps and bounds. XD

There are a couple of the new decks that I'm eyeing as well. New shinies are always fun. I was surprised by how many of the new decks in the last batch I was interested in. XD;;


sumeragi_sei July 25 2008, 03:49:44 UTC
*lol* Yep~ It sure is making everyone's lists longer~ XDD I've already started watching more than 5 series because I liked the cards... ^^;;

Lots more shinies to come...XDD Darn... even if it's realy time-consuming, I still don't want to stop playing because of all the pending shiny cards. XDD;;


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