Okay... so for today, we're going to make a banner for
mmrobitussin's icon-->
This is my first time doing any kind of tutorial so, it might not be that good. However, I did include an image after every step for you to see the progess... ^^;;
01. Let's start by placing the icon on the right side of the banner. Then create a new layer (Shft+ctrl+N) and paste the original image.
02. Try to crop and re-size the image as closely as possible to the icon to create a sort-of continuation effect in the banner.
03. Image banners can be quite tricky because there are times when the banner completely overwhelms the icon. Thus, to make the icon stand out, let's try to desaturate the image (Shft+ctrl+U). Then adjust the levels a bit. (Image>>Adjustments>>Levels) Try playing with it a bit until you get the result you liked. It's good to be creative!^^
04. Create another layer (Shft+ctrl+N) and paste this texture
toybirds (Thank you,
quiesscent ^^). Duplicate the texture (Layer>>Duplicate Layer) and drag it to cover the whole banner area. Merge down. (Ctrl+E)
05. Next, let's flip the layer vertically (Edit>>Trandform>>Flip Vertical). Change the blending of the layer to Multiply. To do this, look at the Layers window on the right side of the screen.
Change from Normal to Multiply. It should look like this:
06. Now it made the image look rather dark. No worries. Just erase a bit of the lower part of the texture to make it lighter.
07. It's now time to add some text to our banner. In doing the typography, it's better if we match it as closely to the icon. In another layer, make a text box where we can type the placing, the name of the iconist and the community where it won including the week of the challenge. For the font face, I used
Gnuolane, size 10. This particular icon won 'Best Composition' on
Week 42 in
faicontest; and of course, made by
08. We're almost done! Make another layer and use tiny text to match that of the icon. Lower the opacity to 60.
09. And last but not the least, use this texture
by rlftexture and put it to Screen (just like when we put the first texture to Multiply). And now we have our final result~~~
... I hope this tutorial was helpful... I tried to make it as detailed as possible...^^;;