Title: Soft Korra, Warm Korra, Little Ball of Fur
Prompt: Korra is sick and asks Mako to sing Soft Kitty
Word count: 393
A fill from
ficbending Mako's never been inside Korra's bedroom before. Pema lets him in, warning him to be silent. He's surprised by how simply decorated it is- as if she never brought anything from home with her. He begins to wonder- as his eyes avoid her figure in the bed in the corner- around the walls and figures that if she had less on her mind she'd decorate.
Finally, he sets his eyes on Korra. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles. Slowly, he approaches her bedside- there's already a stool there, so she's had a visitor before. Korra attempts to sit up but he before he can tell her to stop, she props herself by her elbows.
"Hey," she mumbles. Her face is flush- her fringe matted to her forehead. "I'm sorry about yesterday-"
He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. Everyone gets sick."
She almost scoffs. "Even the Avatar."
"Are you feeling better?" Mako asks, pressing his hands on his knees. The stool is too short and his legs too long- he begins to think that the seat belonged to Ikki or Meelo.
Korra lowers herself again onto her back, nodding. "Pema's taking good care of me."
She closes her eyes and sighs. Mako glances at the door and remembers that Pema gave him a time limit. She didn't want him to rile Korra up or tire her out.
"Mako," Korra begins.
"Yeah?" He replies.
"Do you know . . . soft kitty?" she asks, her eyes opening.
"Soft kitty?" He repeats and remembers that he had sung it a long time ago to Bolin.
"Yeah." Korra says. "Could you . . . could you sing it to me?"
Mako pauses, feeling a little self conscious. "Fine . . ." He clears his throat and begins; "soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur. Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr."
He waits for a moment after singing and Korra is silent. Did she fall asleep? He watches her and determines, yes, she fell asleep. He smiles as he sees that her hand, just laying on the bed, seemed out of place. Carefully, he takes his hand into her's and tucks it under her blankets.
He stands, feeling his legs cramping from the awkward position, he makes his way towards the door when he hears a murmur of "thank you" from the corner.