It's official, being sick sucks.
Spent Monday feeling completely off. I thought it was my brain ambushing me - this happens sometimes... - and was duly pissed off with the whole thing, especially as I have a poster to produce and then present on Thursday. Went to bed early on Monday night and ended up getting Alex to come home from Ant's game - sorry to everyone who got their session cut short - because I felt so grim. I feel asleep about 10 and then woke up at 1 with a worse stomach ache and a worse headache than I'd had before I went to sleep. This IS NOT how it is supposed to work. Sleep cures things, it always does not, i repeat does not, make things worse. We rang NHS Direct because I was feeling so rough and they just said take some more painkillers and deal, so at least they didn't think there was anything wrong. For the next 5 hours I was sick every 30 minutes, like clockwork. Being sick is just intrinsically wrong, as a concept and as an action. Finally got to sleep at 7 and slept for most of yesterday.
So yeah I'm not feeling great. I'm horribly dehydrated, which I am taking steps to change. I'm also at that horrible point where my stomach still feels bad, but I can't decide whether it is because I'm hungry, or whether putting food in it will start the whole process off again. Alex has been awesome, even though he has a presentation to do today he stayed up all night with me on Monday and has been fantastic running errands for me. Also thanks to some wonderful people at the UHS and my department if I can't make it to my poster session tomorrow, which is looking unlikely, I'll be able to sort out another time to do it.
So in conclusion, I'm unlikely to around much in the next couple of days. The immeadiate concern is the Marvel game tonight, I'm sorry but odds on I won't be there. I hate to miss the last session, but sometimes things just turn out like this. Alex, please don't kill Darwin, and Becky, I'm sorry I'm going to miss our last chance at being awkwardly lovey-dovey :(