If you had to save just 6 people who would they be?
1. Mom
2. Dad
3. Danny
4. Gram
5. Papa
6. Sammie
I hate that question. Who would only save six people??
If you had to take 6 things on an island what would they be?
1 Friends
2 Family
3 CD Player (with batteries and CDs in it already)
4 Clothes
5 Shampoo/Conditioner
6 a lighter
If you had to watch 6 shows for the rest of your life what would they be
1 Sex and the City
2 The OC
3 One Tree Hill
4 Sex and the City
5 Sex and the City
6 Did I say Sex and the City yet?
If you had to listen to just 6 bands/singers/groups for the rest of your life who would they be?
1 Rolling Stones
2 Tim McGraw
3 Red Hot Chili Peppers
4 Coldplay
5 Bruce Springsteen
6 The Temptations
6 friends you cant live without of the same sex
1 Jenn
2 Lizz
3 Janelle
4 Claire
5 Alicia
6 Caitlin
1. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?
I have so many. Umm. Two Weeks Notice always makes me cry.
2. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?
I don't think I'd have anything done. I'd take the money I was going to spend on plastic surgery and hire a personal trainer.
3. Do you have a completely irrational fear?
Needles. It's so bad. Hyperventilating, Fainting, Kicking Nurses, Screaming at the top of my lungs. Yea.
4. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moment?
As weird as it sounds, I play with my ears when I get nervous, and when I'm really nervous I shake.
5. Are you a pyromaniac?
No, I love candles though. I have more candles than I can count.
6. Do you have too many love interests?
7. Do you know anyone famous?
I'm related to John Cusack, does that count?
8. Describe your bed.
Cute, Comfy, Soft, Juvenile.
9. Spontaneous or plan?
Spontaneous AND Plan.
10. Do you know how to play poker?
Yes. Texas Holdem is my game of choice :)
11. What do you carry with you at all times?
A Handbag
12. What do you miss most about being little?
I miss being able to go up to a boy and say "I Like You", and being able to be friends with anyone because you could just walk up and say "Hey, Want To Be My Friend?"
13. Are you happy with your given name?
14. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?
10 Million. That way, I could take anyone that I was goin to talk to online on vacation for a year. Then there would be no need for going online.
15. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?
Yea, but it doesn't hurt to have people around you who like you and believe in you.
16. Do transient, homeless, or starving people bother you?
Yes. I feel bad for homeless people, but they just need to get a job. Honestly, take a shower and go for a job interview.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?
I'm a nice person if I like you or don't know you. I'm a really big bitch if I don't like you.
18. Do you spend more time with your girl/boyfriend or your friends?
Uhh 100% of my time goes to my friends because I don't have a boyfriend :)
19. What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?
20. What is your ideal marriage location?
A big church/synagogue full of people with tons of white and pink roses and the most beautiful wedding dress (and bridesmaid's dresses) you've ever seen.
21. Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?
Drums. I will once I can find a goddamn teacher.
22. Favorite fabric?
Satin or Silk
23. Something you love and hate?
24. What kind of bedding do you use?
None of it matches. I have blue sheets with snowmen on them (still haven't changed them to summer sheets), a Green comforter with flowers on it and an orage Pooh comforter. Yes, Pooh.
25. Do you tell your friends about your sex life?
What sex life?
26. What's the one language you want to learn?
I'd like to learn more French
27. What do you order at a bar?
Uh I can't order anything at a bar yet. But whiskey or raspberry smirnoff are always good.
28. Have you ever pierced your body parts?
My ears
29. Do you have tattoos?
30. Would you ever admit to having done plastic surgery of any kind if confronted?
If I had any done I would. Who cares?
31. Do you drive stick?
I can't drive yet, but I will drive stick.
32. What's one trait you hate in a person?
untrustworthiness (yes, that's a word)
33. What kind of watch(es) do you wear?
I don't wear watches. I need to get one.
34. Most frivolous purchase?
Either my Burberry bathing suit or my Burberry handbag. I like to spend money :\
35. Do you consider yourself materialistic?
Okay. I am materialistic when it comes to myself. I like to have nice things and stay at nice places, but when it comes to my friends or guys I don't really care if they have nice stuff or if they have a ton of money. If that makes any sense.
36. What do you cook the best?
I can cook really well as long as I have a cookbook next to me. I've never really cooked a dinner or anything. Like I've baked cakes, but I've never made chicken or anything. I'm pretty sure I could though.
37. Favorite writing instrument?
Really nice black pens.
38. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?
It depends where I am.
39. What kind of books do you like to read?
Thrillers. I love Dan Brown, he writes the best books.
40. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
I would buy a nice car, buy clothes and shoes and handbags, buy a house for my family on Lake Winnepesaukee with a slip for the new huge offshore fishing boat I would buy my dad because he has always wanted one.
41. What's one thing are you're a sore loser at?
42. If you don't like a person, how do you show it?
Either not speaking to them, or being really bitchy when I do.
43. Do you cry in front of friends?
I try really really hard not to. I think I've only cried in front of my friends when I got cut from the tennis team... but that was for like five seconds. People who cry in front of everyone often piss me off so much. I hate it.
44. What kind of first impression do you think you give to people?
I come off as snobby I guess, because I get that a lot. I don't mean to, and I don't think I really am... but hey.
45. What's one thing you like to do alone?
Read. I was going to say singing and dancing, but then I realized I do that all the time in front of everyone.
46. Are you a giver or a taker?
47. When's the last time you cried?
like a month ago I think.
48. Favorite communication method?
AIM. I friggen hate the phone
49. How many drinks before you're tipsy?
ONE. And I'm Irish. I need to work on that.
50. Favorite kind of porn?
The kind we watch at Nelly's ;0)
51. Do you ever have to beg?
once in a blue moon.
52. Have you ever done any illegal drugs?
53. Do you think you're cute?
54. Do you have problems changing clothes in front of friends?
Not my best friends.
55. What's the most painful experience you've ever had?
When my grandparents died