I just realized how much I like techno. Why? I don't know. It makes me want to dance. I busted out my Eiffel 65 CD and I can't stop listening to it.
I made a huge deal out of not having the geometry paper. Today I went in there and Ms. Parker came in and I was like "I only gave you one of the pages to my report on Friday" and she was like "I noticed that, is this the whole thing?" and I was like "Yea, it's all there" and she was like "alright".
Yea, okay. So I spent the entire weekend thinking of an excuse. "I wasn't thinking and I accidently gave you the last page", "I was so worried about how I messed up my kite that I gave you one page by accident", "my printer only printed the last page, by we got a new one over the weekend so I printed the whole thing out".
... or maybe she wouldn't ask why I only passed in one paper. Maybe she would just accept it.
The final was super super easy. I made it count for 80% of my grade because God knows my kite was pure crap. Sometimes when a test is easy like that, I think that I did stuff wrong which would make it seem easier. I hope I didn't do that. I want to make honor roll.
Homeroom was fine. I love you Jenn :0(
Ummm yea. History was a waste of class. We did nothing. We are having a party thing tomorrow after the final, I said I'd bring in Kane's. I hope I remember. If I don't I'll feel like a complete ass.
In English, we threw our vocab books away and then did nothing.
At lunch, Lizz and I went to the office to ask to go to Dunks because I was supposed to go out to eat in Spanish class, but Ms. Jiminez wasn't there, and there was no lunch being sold. So they let us go and we got our food and checked back into the office and she was like "They're such good girls" when we left.
Okay, so we skip half of lunch to go to Dunks, check back in, and we are good kids. Saint Mary's is awesome sometimes.
I was trying to tell Claire a story on the way back from lunch about going to see a movie in NH and how it reminded me of her and blah blah, and Maggs had to have interrupted me like 5 times. FIVE TIMES. Like I said "when I was at my boat, it was too..." and he was like "notice how everything she says is about her boat?" and Claire was like "No". Dur, I was trying to tell her WHY I was at the goddamn movies. And I hadn't said one friggen thing about it before then. I was there the whole weekend, obviously the stories I'm going to tell from my weekend are going to invole it. And I was not talking to him. I was telling CLAIRE a story.Then I said something about Shrek 2 and he was just like "OH! Did Darin tell you that his favorite part was the part with the cat and the eyes? He laughed for like the whole time". I just gave up after that. I was really mad.
In chem we watched Lord of the Rings. At the risk of sounding like a geek, I like those movies. I haven't seen the last one though, but I'm gonna steal it from Kevin Price who bought it. lol.
AND we're all going to see Harry Potter on Friday. And I'm in AP English. Excuse me, but has anyone seen my masking taped glasses and neon pocket protector?? Oh, and will someone ask Rachel where she buys her clothes? I absolutely love them
Oy Vey.
Spanish was retarded. I talked to Beth most of the time.
We have some really weird people in our school. Like really really weird. And a lot of them need to go to drug rehab. And they need to stop having sex with everyone they see.
I took the bus home and walked home and ate some oatmeal raisin cookies. Then I drank some orage juice and now I'm just doing nothing.