Title: Love me (spin-off set in Forbidden Flame) Pairing: HanHae Rating: PG-13 Summary: A little peek into what happens after the events of Forbidden Flame.
Very beautiful... Ohh TTTT____TTTT I was expecting for this to be super angst because the first part of this is intensely angsty, I was about to die in excitement *w* But then you made it ended up that sweet, the mood is drastically changed, so at first I was like.... *give poker face* and continue to read *squeal* and continue again *red face on the hot scene* and squeal again hehee...
I was actually pretty lost because I kind of forget about the story on Forbidden Flame.. Definitelly gonna check on it later :D
I HAVE READ THROUGH IT ALL!! >:{D *worships you* thank you for this fic, and I really enjoyed this and it was smexxxy and cutttee and heartbreaking and by the end i was this glob of joy all happy. ayjayjay. oh where did my heart go? oh look, its melted on to the floor, let me clean that up. *continues to worship you* great job! love love love! and i plan to read in to your other fics. juuuust fyi~ <333 muahahaha that line "so sensitive" GAH. okeee Im done!
Comments 14
This is an awesome spin-off... Donghae was so cute proposing to Hangeng...
Very very lovely indeed...
I was expecting for this to be super angst because the first part of this is intensely angsty, I was about to die in excitement *w*
But then you made it ended up that sweet, the mood is drastically changed, so at first I was like.... *give poker face* and continue to read *squeal* and continue again *red face on the hot scene* and squeal again hehee...
I was actually pretty lost because I kind of forget about the story on Forbidden Flame.. Definitelly gonna check on it later :D
*worships you* thank you for this fic, and I really enjoyed this and it was smexxxy and cutttee and heartbreaking and by the end i was this glob of joy all happy. ayjayjay.
oh where did my heart go?
oh look, its melted on to the floor, let me clean that up.
*continues to worship you*
great job! love love love! and i plan to read in to your other fics. juuuust fyi~ <333
muahahaha that line "so sensitive" GAH.
okeee Im done!
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