wow. guys are great, but juss sometimes they can be real jerks. it's all about love and hate. but it's not good when guys fuck with my girls. noooo waaaaay. that's when i start to get really mad. fuck with my chicks, i'll rip off your dicks =D.
a little shout out 2 some important people in my life right now.
casey. case. case-a-lace. what can i say? ive only known you since like 7th grade, but it seems like we've known each other for a while. i really love our little adventures we have and everything that we do together. becus we can make anything fun and something to laugh about and remember. i'm glad we started to talk again. sorry for that whole little thing. but i really missed you tho. &yeah im jus glad we're soooo close right now. i swear we're gonna be havin parties non-stop all thru CHS. everybody better watch out for us i swear haha. but thanks for always being there w/ my little problems&i'm as usual always here for you with your little problems. guys are asses tho&thats a fact. you jus gotta find those really good ones. and the really good ones are ones u cant have =/. but we'll jus stick w/ the jerks for now! but anyways thanks for a great summer&the best laughs&the best times. i hope there's more to come. bestfriends forevuh&evuh. forevuh. and infinity. and more. <33
kimbuhlay gordon. whut can i say?? ur freakin great!!. i know guys give us hard times .. but becus of this stupid guy .. we met. &i'm glad that happened. so glad. becus now we've gotten close&ive waited 4 this to happen. bc we wud talk but jus on the comp and never see each other .. btu we do. you are the bomb to the bomb diggity kim. i swear. i'll always have your back. chicks before dicks. always. <33
augustooo. hah even tho u mite not read this .. i love you. im sorry we stopped talking 8th grade, but at least we started up again right afetr you signed my year book. thanks for helping me out with things&clearing up my head. &just making me happy. your a really good friend&i'm glad were close again. i'm lovin these late night talks into the bright early morning. your the shiznot&wow did u grow. &your ear ring is so sparkly im jealous. haha okay well i could say more but i am losing thought of what i am actually typing. word. peace out. <3
chelsea. your fuckin great. i'm glad i became friends w/ you&im glad were close. your such an amazing girl dont u EVER EVER let anybody tell u any different. because u know what u are and u know who u are. your an amazing friend&you give great advice. &you know what to say and you just listen real good. thank you for trusting me and everything. i hope we remain this close thru CHS and what not. <33
chrissy. thanks for just everything. thanks for billy. thanks for all the advice&help you give me. im glad i talked to u and met u. jus thanks for it all. &im always here to listen becus thats wut i do best, aside from sleeping and eating and being lazy.
cho'ch. yeah i kno we only see each other in cher, but ur still the shit&always will be. you make me laugh&yeah you are jus so great. the best cho'ch ill ever have in my whole entire life. ilu tbf xox
erica. thanks for being 1 of like the greatest friends to me. and i know youll always be tehre bc u live right down the street. ahh neighborhood memories. ill never 4get all these special times with the spears' haha. but anyways thanks for just everything &for bein a really good friend to me. soo glad richie got us to talk =). even tho we lived by each other .. haha tahts weird now that i think of it.. ok well neways luv yaaaa tbf
&max ur jus 1 of the coolest ppls i have ever met in my lifetime. i hope everything goes well w/ you and alli and college and what not. dont forget 2 come and crash our little kid parties!@# woord.
2 that one guy that i swore was the most amazing guy i'll ever meet.. idk whats up with everything, but i wish we could jus drop it and be friends. idk why ur giving me a hard time, but i wish u wouldnt. i wish it would all be good. i wish we went back 2 normal like 5th and 6th grade mode. but i'll give you your time. &when you really start to miss me, then come talk to me. becus i miss you already&i'll keep missing you. but like i said i can move on&i have. so lets move on together as bestfriends&make ur promise that i'll always have u&you'll always be there. &thats all for now.
hope you enjoyed.
so long sweet summer ..