001. NAME: Erika Newcomb
002. AGE: 15
003. LoCATioN: Everett, WA
004. SiNGLE//TAKEN: taken
000.iF TAKEN, FoR HoW LoNG?: Just over 2 months
005. HAiR CoLoR: brown with blonde and black
006. EYE CoLoR: blue-green and sometimes purple
007. TURN oNS: my boyfreind, biting, kissing, bondage, blood, tickling
008. TURN oFFS: excessive drinking, swearing, rudeness, abusiveness, long-distance, being degraded, people who act different in front of their friends
009. HoBBiES//iNTERESTS: singing, drawing, writing, painting, Hello Kitty, pink, rock climbing...
010. ACToR Johnny Depp
011. ACTRESS: Angelina Jolie
012. MoViE: Cold Mountain
013. SiNGER: Tina Turner
014. BAND: Kittie
015. SoNG: The Reason-Hoobastank
016. AUTHoR: don't have one
017. BooK: Dangerous Girls
018. SPoRT//ACTiViTY: rock climbing and tennis
019. HANGoUT: uhm, the beach
020. PLACES To SHoP: any where cute and cheap
021. FooD: frozen waffles and strawberries
022. VACATioN SPoT: Colorado
023. MAKE-UP LiNE: uhm, don't understand
024. BEACH oR oCEAN: beach
025. TAN iN A CAN, TANNiNG BooTH, oR NATURAL TAN: natural tan
026. PiNK oR BLUE: pink
027. BiKiNi oR TANKiNi: bikini
028. SiLVER oR GoLD: silver
029. BRiTNEY oR CHRiSTiNA: Christina
030. SURFiNG oR SHoPPiNG: surfing
-oN LoVE-
031. Do YoU FLiRT ALoT: yes
032. EXPLAiN WHAT 'YoUR TYPE oF GiRL/BoY' iS: I don't really have "type," but I do usually go for either artists or skateboarders, or both...
034. HoW MANY PEoPLE HAVE YoU KiSSED iN GENERAL?: I'm not sure, more than ten and less than 40
035. HAVE YoU EVER BEEN iN LoVE//ARE YoU iN LoVE?: yes and yes
036. ANNA NiCoLE SMiTH: I think that her voice is really annoying and she was a lot prettier when she was younger
037. SKiN CANCER: I think that it is sad, my grandpa had it and he kept having to chunks of skin cut out of his head...
038. PARiS HiLToN: I think that she acts like too much of a dits and she's not really all that pretty, and she needs to invest in a few belts
039: GAY//LESBiAN MARRiAGES: I am all for them and I think that the only reason Bush is trying to ban them is because he's secretly gay and felt bad about having to say no when is gay affair proposed to him
040. CHAD MiCHAEL MURRAY: I think that he has really sexy eyes, and I think that he did the best in One Tree Hill, even though he should have ket going out with Brook(I also think it's cute how they are engaged in real life)
041. DRUGS: I don't like drugs, and that's all drugs even though they have saved my life, some people just don't take good care of how they use them and all illegal drugs are bad
042. HiLLARY DUFF: I think that Hilary Duff is pretty, but something about her just irks me... she's not that great of a singer and you can tell because all of her songs sound fake because they edi them so much.
043. UNDERAGE PREGNANCY: I think that if the pregnancy is an accident and the kid can't take care of it, it is sad and then the kid should give the baby up for adoption, but if the kid can take care of the baby and wants it, then there is nothing wrong with it
044. MiSCHA BARToN: I saw her in a movie from a long time ago where the kid who played Alfalfa got her pregnant when she was in middle school and that was the only thing I like her in... although I really like her voice for some reason.
045. SEX BEFoRE MARRiAGE: I think that it is ok as long as you're not going around having sex with everyone and as long as you are careful and accept the consequences if you're not
046. MARY KATE & ASHLEY oLSEN: I think they were better in Full house
047. PLASTiC SURGERY: I think that it is a waste of money
048. CHRiSTiNA AGUiLERA: She is very beautiful, but tries to hard to be that way, and I think she has an amazing voice
049. ALCohoL: I think that it is ok, as long as you don't drink all the time and you don't get completely drunk
050. BRiTNEY SPEARS: I think that she is very pretty, but overrated
http://www.livejournal.com/users/squirt2323/ + WERE YoU iNViTED? iF So, BY WHo? No, I wasn't invited
+ AND FiNALLY, TELL US SoMETHiNG iNTERESTiNG ABoUT YoURSELF: I have the same size hands as Marylin Monroe