001. NAME: Dominique
002. AGE: 15
003. LoCATioN: Paris, France
004. SiNGLE//TAKEN: Single (for now anyways ;)
000.iF TAKEN, FoR HoW LoNG?:
005. HAiR CoLoR: Dark Brown but I would like to get that changed!
006. EYE CoLoR: Green/Brown
007. TURN oNS: Sense of humor, great smile, politeness, courteous
008. TURN oFFS: Someone that thinks they are better than you are! I really don't like that!
009. HoBBiES//iNTERESTS: I really love playing tennis in the summers and I play football (soccer) in the fall! I also play the violin! I love to travel to the south of France and to other European countries! I love learning about other cultures!
010. ACToR: Matt Damon, George Clooney
011. ACTRESS: Uma Thurman, Kiera Knightley
012. MoViE: Amelie, The Bourne Identity, Oceans 11
013. SiNGER: Britney Spears, Ashlee Simpson
014. BAND: Maroon 5
015. SoNG: She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5
016. AUTHoR: John Sanford, J.R.R. Tolkien (I love the LOTR books!)
017. BooK: Les Miserables
018. SPoRT//ACTiViTY: Tennis, Football
019. HANGoUT: Downtown, Les Visinet, my house, Montmartre
020. PLACES To SHoP: Sephora, Louis Vuitton, Roxy, FCUK, Morgan
021. FooD: Chocolate of any kind! And pizza!
022. VACATioN SPoT: St. Tropez, Mikonos and Santorini(Greece)
023. MAKE-UP LiNE: Chanel!! I use their products all of the time!
024. BEACH oR oCEAN: The beach by far!
025. TAN iN A CAN, TANNiNG BooTH, oR NATURAL TAN: Natural Tan
026. PiNK oR BLUE: Pink. Hands down! I love that color.
027. BiKiNi oR TANKiNi: Bikini although I do occasionally wear tankinis
028. SiLVER oR GoLD: Gold
029. BRiTNEY oR CHRiSTiNA: Britney. I like Christina but if I must choose, I would say Britney
030. SURFiNG oR SHoPPiNG: Shopping. I have never been surfing.
-oN LoVE-
031. Do YoU FLiRT ALoT: I would have to say that I do...a lot.
032. EXPLAiN WHAT 'YoUR TYPE oF GiRL/BoY' iS: My type of boy is the kind that actually cares about my feelings and listens to me when I have something to say and respects me for who I am.
033. HoW MANY PEoPLE THAT YoU DiDNT KNoW Too WELL HAVE YoU KiSSED: Maybe 3 but I am not really that type of person to do that so maybe less.
035. HAVE YoU EVER BEEN iN LoVE//ARE YoU iN LoVE?: I am in love right now but the person I am in love with is one of my bestfriends so I am not too sure how well that would work out!
036. ANNA NiCoLE SMiTH: I don't know much about her. Over here in France we do not really hear about her much.
037. SKiN CANCER: I think it is a very bad thing and that it can be prevented and that people should take it more seriously!
038. PARiS HiLToN: She has an amazing fashion sense! I really like her!
039: GAY//LESBiAN MARRiAGES: I don't really have a problem with it. If you want to do it, that's just fine with me. I think that if you are in love than you should be together no matter what!
040. CHAD MiCHAEL MURRAY: He is very good looking. Definitely a 10 on my scale!
041. DRUGS: There are a lot of them here in Paris but I stay away from them. I know what they can do to you and I just don't want to take that chance. I try to encourage people to not try them.
042. HiLLARY DUFF: Do not know much about her. I think she is pretty though!
043. UNDERAGE PREGNANCY: I don't hear about it much but I'm not sure what it means "underage" But before marriage or under 18 just doesn't seem right to me!
044. MiSCHA BARToN: Very beautiful girl. She seems very nice as well.
045. SEX BEFoRE MARRiAGE: I don't have a problem with it. Just realize what you are getting into and use protection so you don't get STD's (there is a lot of that over here in France)
046. MARY KATE & ASHLEY oLSEN: Wonderful girls! I hope Mary Kate gets better!
047. PLASTiC SURGERY: I am not against it but I do not really see what the point is unless something terrible has been done to disfigure you.
048. CHRiSTiNA AGUiLERA: Amazing voice, gorgeous girl but she doesn't always have the best of styles.
049. ALCohoL: What's the big deal with it? Everyone over here has been drinking their entire lives so for me it's no big deal.
+ SHoW US THE LiNK To THE PLACE YoU PRoMoTED US: I have not promoted yet seeing as I just found this community. But I most certainly will!
+ WERE YoU iNViTED? No, I just saw it somewhere.
iF So, BY WHo?
+ AND FiNALLY, TELL US SoMETHiNG iNTERESTiNG ABoUT YoURSELF: I have been speaking English since I was 2 years old and I have been playing the violin since I was 5 years old.
I honestly do not have a picture because for some very odd reason my computer rejects my digital camera! I'm very sorry for the inconvienience!