(no subject)

Aug 13, 2004 10:46

001. NAME: Tracie Newman
002. AGE: 18
003. LoCATioN: Clovis, California
004. SiNGLE//TAKEN: Single baby!!!!!!  <3333
000.iF TAKEN, FoR HoW LoNG?: Single annnnnd dating 4 fun since the beginning of summer!
005. HAiR CoLoR: Brown w/ highlights
006. EYE CoLoR: Brown that sometimes looks green <3
007. TURN oNS: Confidence, fitness, creativity, and height
008. TURN oFFS: Bad hygiene?  Eww
009. HoBBiES//iNTERESTS: Dance, foreign languages, flirting!
010. ACToR: mmm Tom Cruise <3 even though he's kinda short
011. ACTRESS: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Reese!
012. MoViE: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
013. SiNGER: Christina Marie Aguilera... amazing vocs
014. BAND: Sugar Ray <3 they are SO me!
015. SoNG: Vindicated, "Under the Sun" - Sugar Ray
016. AUTHoR: Arthur Golden (Memoirs of a Geisha)
017. BooK: Memoirs of a Geisha
018. SPoRT//ACTiViTY: Dance
019. HANGoUT: used to be starbucks, now it's Morro Strand beach
020. PLACES To SHoP: Express, Hollister, Gap
021. FooD: lol anything vegetarian!
022. VACATioN SPoT: Costa Rica!
023. MAKE-UP LiNE: Physician's Formula, Maybelline
024. BEACH oR oCEAN: Beach!  no slimy sea cucumbers and octopi
025. TAN iN A CAN, TANNiNG BooTH, oR NATURAL TAN: a natural base tan with some help from L'Oreal.  gotta watch the UV's!
026. PiNK oR BLUE: Pink, no question
027. BiKiNi oR TANKiNi: bikini
028. SiLVER oR GoLD: Silver
029. BRiTNEY oR CHRiSTiNA: mm Christina.  Beautiful voice!  Beautiful song, 'Beautiful'
030. SURFiNG oR SHoPPiNG: oh mannn agh it's hard!  shopping when it's for other people
-oN LoVE-
031. Do YoU FLiRT ALoT: moderate to high levels of flirting ;)
032. EXPLAiN WHAT 'YoUR TYPE oF GiRL/BoY' iS: *gasp* a musician (maybe lead singer) with green eyes, a gentleman who's as ditzy as I am, and would sacrifice his life for me 'cause I would, too
034. HoW MANY PEoPLE HAVE YoU KiSSED iN GENERAL?: maybe only 4 or 5 non-family members
035. HAVE YoU EVER BEEN iN LoVE//ARE YoU iN LoVE?: well, if i'm not totally sure about that, it probably means no
036. ANNA NiCoLE SMiTH:  she is way whiny, i was addicted to that show so much though.  i wouldn't want to meet her 'cause she probably wouldn't like me very much!
037. SKiN CANCER:  ...  ....  my aunt died from it.  that's why, even though i love being tanned, i can't bring myself to lay out for very long.  i keep a base tan from regular outdoors activity, but i definitely started using sunscreen and sunless tanner after a while *cry*
038. PARiS HiLToN:  wow!  Beautiful!!!!!  and with all the hot boyfriends!  lol what a playgirl!!!!!  lovelovelovelovelovelove!  my fave was when she cameo'd on the OC and got Summer all freaked by flirting with Cohen at the strip club in LA!!!!!!!!
039: GAY//LESBiAN MARRiAGES:  they are doing what they love, and there is never anything wrong with that!
040. CHAD MiCHAEL MURRAY:  WOW he's gorgeous--the best part is, I have a friend who looks exactly like him, but get this-- his name's BRAD michael murray.  lol wow.  oh yeah.
041. DRUGS: Ewww I have never done them because look at Cheech and Chong.  I don't wanna end up like that!!!!  :)
042. HiLLARY DUFF:  I guess i'm too old to have gotten into her.  she's adorable, all my little brothers have a huge crush on her!!!!!
043. UNDERAGE PREGNANCY:  :(  awww, well, it's completely unfortunate.  the girls who have it happen to them are usually the sweetest girls ever, and it really sucks because now they can't really enjoy their young lives as much as they should have been able to.  for instance, turning 21 and getting to go clubbing for the first time?  Nah.  getting into those schools you wanted forever?  it's really something to think about.  I know abstinence is 100% protection, but hey-- pills are like 99.9% and rubber is about 98%.  just have fun, but watch your back.  everyone appreciates the ones who can party maturely.
044. MiSCHA BARToN:  lol she has got a cool personality, and she looks great on tv, too!  personally, i like rachel bilson when they're together on The OC
045. SEX BEFoRE MARRiAGE:  I'm not doing it!  I promised.
046. MARY KATE & ASHLEY oLSEN:  LOL My birthday buddies!  They're like a week older than me!!!!!  yay MK and Ashers, we turned 18 together this June!!!!!
047. PLASTiC SURGERY: I wouldn't!  i don't think i need it enough to undergo OW and the knowledge that i now contain silicone or anything.  yikes, Nip/Tuck alone was enough to scare the shit outta me
048. CHRiSTiNA AGUiLERA:  everyone thinks she's a slut, which i guess that's what you would call it if you wore her outfits, but i never really thought about it that way before.  lol i mean, IT'S SHOW BUSINESS, it's not REAL!!!!!!  I can't get over how gorgeous her voice is...  I saw her on some VH1 specials and I think her personality is sooo fantastic.  like, and she had this horrible childhood--all these big stars did, 'cause of the jealousy that she was starting to get famous.  slashed tires, social rejection... the only place they DID belong was in the spotlight, what could they do?  the same thing happened to Britney and Jessica Simpson.  :(
049. ALCohoL:  I think it's fun, but it isn't the kind of thing I aspire to spend my weekends doing.  If it's there at a party, then I don't have a problem with drinking, but if it's not, that definitely won't crash the party.
050. BRiTNEY SPEARS: I didn't really like her as much as Christina, at first, but now I think that song 'Toxic' really rocks and I'm like, heyyy I DO like britney spears!!!!!!

+ SHoW US THE LiNK To THE PLACE YoU PRoMoTED US: pretty_girls_xo
+ WERE YoU iNViTED? no :( nobody invited me :)
iF So, BY WHo?
+ AND FiNALLY, TELL US SoMETHiNG iNTERESTiNG ABoUT YoURSELF:  lol I am about to get published for this joke poem i wrote about the color pink!!!!!  hehee, and I have this dumb penname I accidentally made 'cause it WAS a joke when i submitted the poem:  Tracie Doodle

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