we were sunk inside our blankets, sprawled across the bed anyway
this week has been pretty sad. one night at tiff's i came to the realization that ryan's not going to be in high school with me in september.
he's grown up and im just a junior.
im paranoid that he's going to find someone older and just better then me in everyway.
there were moments when i know it'd end... the world revolved around us.
we had the most amazing summer, we weren't perfect. but that's what makes it real. we fought, but it was real. this is all real.
and i don't want it to end, ever.
i want it to be summer for the rest of my life.
not go back to albany high, just so i could be with Ryan King forever.
i can't do that though. i've just got to deal with life as it comes.
i don't ever want to leave him.
sing me something soft and delicate, or loud and out of key.
And at the plaza the other night Steve just broke it off with Tiff.
and it was horrible.
It was so much like the whole Kirk situation. And it was weird because we saw him earlier that night. didnt say anything to him of course.
but it was just so much like that.
i never want to have to live through that again. i had the worst run with boys for two years. i hope i've found the right one finally.
you would kill for this, just a little bit, you would
sing me anything.