good ol days..
secret santa christmas party
how cute
avril concert haha
san diego with my best friend = best spring break ever!!
nothing i love more than the ocean at sunset..
tehehe <3
i love these girls
happy birthday to me!!
i love being the birthday girl!!
SURPRISE!! they got me good!
manda and kaitlyn and my second surprise party of the night
it just wouldnt be a party without these girls
best birthday ever..i love these girls so much..i dont know what i would do without friends ever!!
we had a good time i promise..haha nick and i had a blast at senior ball even if you cant tell from this picture..
the hottest girls in the city..we had so much fun shopping that day
powder puff game and dance was friday
it was so much fun..
us girls who werent playing (me kelly jen michelle and kristin) worse shirts that said "our best friends are the hottest girls on the field"
it was cute..the boys were the cheerleaders haha and our girls played well.even if they did lose 46-0 haha..
soo tough
cute shirts