Welcome to
A two month extravaganza of Giles-y goodness. From June through July this site will be devoted to Rupert Giles, our favorite Watcher, librarian, sometime magician, smart, occasionally sarcastic, warm-eyed, sexy and protective man from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
What is
We take our inspiration from the many 'seasonal' character (or pairing) sites in the Btvs/Ats community (the original, of course, the ever popular
summer_of_giles is a multi-media event celebrating every aspect of Rupert Giles. The idea is that each day one (or two) different talented writers and/or artists will post Giles-specific offering(s) for the community's viewing/reading pleasure. Gen artwork and graphics are wonderful! And every pairing is welcomed, as long as it's about Giles! (And hey, we also welcome threesomes, foursomes and moresomes if you're so inclined!) See below for dates, sign up information, etc.
(note: this is NOT a ficathon...this is not the place for fic requests or fic challenges. Instead, do whatever kind of story/graphic/etc. you want to show your Giles love)
Sign Ups start Now!!!
Sign Ups end May 15th, 2007
Master List Posted Final Master List will be posted by May 15th, 2007
check out the current list to see open days
here Posting Begins June 1st, 2007
Posting Ends July 31st, 2007
How To Sign UP:
1) So, you'd like to join and do something (fic, icons, headers, drabbles, meta) for
summer_of_giles? YAY! We're happy to have you.
- Just check out the calendar to see which days are open
here note: we are now allowing TWO people to sign up for each day
- Then comment to this post with the following:
Preferred posting date: (I will do my best to give you your first choice)
2nd Preferred posting date: (in case your first choice is already taken)
What kind of Giles-y thing will you do?: (graphics/manip/icons? drabble? fic? meta?)
Would you be able to do short-notice backups if someone drops out?
2) You will be notified confirmation of your day (or your backup day). Make sure you join the community (so you can post on your day) and friend it (so you can see updates)!
3) Go, create! Write, draw, icon, vid something, anything about Giles.
4) Post your creation on the day you have been assigned.
5) Bask in the reflected Giles-love!
Summer of Giles Rules
1) You must post on the day you are given. No swapping, switching, or late posting (except for time zone differences.) If you cannot post on the day given, please email the mods within 24 hours to make other arrangements so that an alternate day can be given or so that backups can be deployed.
2) Your contribution MUST be original. This community is not meant to be links to fanfic sites, awards sites, or anything else previously posted. No picspam. We’re looking for new creations made for the community to be shared with all of us.
3) This community is about loving Giles, in all of his variations. Absolutely NO bashing of ships, storylines, characters, or fans. We are about the Giles love. Members who break this rule or its spirit will be banned.
4) Clearly label your post in the subject line, defining what type of multi-media creation you are contributing (possibly with title, etc.) Please use the cut-tag, especially for fics and large pictures. Also, please label any and all NC-17 material and if a graphic is not safe for work.
5) No off topic posting. Please only post on the day assigned to you. Anything else you have to say should be said in the comments. All off topic posts will be deleted. Repeated off topic posting will result in being banned. If you're not sure what off topic means, please email the mod.
6) Comment, comment, comment! Everyone involved is creating something to share the Giles love. Let people know when you enjoy what they’ve posted. Chances are, if you feedback someone, they’ll feedback you in return.
How to Post:
1) Label your post in the subject line as follows:
Type: Title (Pairing) Rating
(for example... FIC: Death Becomes Her (G/S) NC-17)
2) For ALL graphics that are larger than Icon size (and for all icon posts with more than three icons), use an lj cut. Don't know how to use one?
Look here and find out.
3) Please try to tag your post. We've set up a number of tags, so it should be easy to pick and choose. If it's not, email your mods,
katekat1010 and
elizabuffy at katekat101@livejournal.com or elizabuffy@livejournal.com and we will make new ones for you.
Other Stuff:
For any questions, please email your mods,
katekat1010 &
elizabuffy at either katekat1010@livejournal.com or elizabuffy@livejournal.com.
One final thing! We'd like to have more than one person posting on EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. of June & July! This means we need lots of people to sign up! If you like the idea, please pimp it!