A Christmas Tree for Hunter Blue Christmas Lights Wooden Toys A Boars Hair Hair Brush for me Organic Shampoo and Conditioner Embroidery Designs from the internet for my machine A storage unit Yarn to knit with that is wool Some parenting books
I do not want to clean my house. The more I clean it the more I realize I am a pig and should be shot in the head for having such clutter! My mother will be here at 8 am so I guess that means I have 8:30 hours to clean it before she arrives. DAMNIT!
Sorry but I am not doing cards. I am however going to sing on LJ again.. like last year. So every friend on my list can pick a song. If I don't know it I will look threw my books and try and find it. I guess I will start around Advent. (sp) So if you want a song let me know and we will have LJ musac.