Apr 30, 2009 22:28
Snupin-centric, I suppose, but anyone with thoughts on the subject is welcome to participate. I've been away a while - what are your thoughts about warnings and labels for post-DH Snupin (if that isn't a contradiction in terms)?
Poll Regarding older Snupin (Post-War, Post-DH) fic...
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Comments 27
And I do want at least a handwaving explanation of the canon (like, "previously presumed dead" is fine and "Tonks and Remus decided to split" is fine - I don't need detail) rather than pretending it never happened. In fact, I think that unless it's important to the plot of the story you're telling, I'd rather have a handwaving explanation than a detailed "why they're not together anymore" thing.
Also, hi!
I think I'm with you - without at least a *mention*, I'm going to be a bit confused about what I'm supposed to be expecting. But I'm not so much into reading details of exactly how Remus and Tonks split - unless that's the point of the fic. I'm glad to know this attitude seems to have generally relaxed since the immediate aftermath of DH (good Lord, don't tell me how long ago that was because I won't believe you).
However, I don't feel the need for an AU label on fics in which Remus and/or Snape is still alive after the war. There are lots of ways to bring them back that don't directly conflict with canon.
At this point, enough people have written detailed descriptions of ways in which those characters managed to live/came back from the dead that I don't need more than a passing reference in a new fic to find it believable.
I'll read a variety of post-DH scenarios, but I do want to be warned for AU. I'm a stickler like that.
As for Teddy... I'm rather interested in him lately, but rarely with Remus or Tonks also alive. For my own writing, in fact, my characterisation of Teddy is completely dependent on his parents being dead and him having a bit of an orphan complex. I've read good fic where Remus is alive and they're hanging out and stuff, but I don't think I'll be writing it. Teddy = orphan. :)
Also, I am wildly inconsistent and want things both ways:
If you don't call it AU, then you have ( ... )
Interesting take on Teddy, too. I must say I haven't been reading much for the past *mumble mumble* and I haven't seen much of him. I'd love to have those next-genners get some personality of their own in the hands of some good fic writers, though!
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