Guess the fic! A bit like the guess the song meme. Just a bunch of random recs, really, and if you guess them then you'll have read them already, which'll make them rubbish recs. Hmm, there might just be a wee flaw there. But still. If anyone has a go I'll put the answers up soonish.
ETA: mouseover/click for answers.
1. Sirius had heard tell of the young men who'd ventured into Fobsnob and Framingham's Foundation Garment Paradise, believing that the Perfect Present for their girlfriend might lurk within. [
2. The fact that he wears Sirius's shirts to bed because they still smell like him, although the scent is becoming less and less sharp as time goes by; the black dog hair he finds on everything that he refuses to brush off ... [
4. And tonight on Wild Britain, we unveil the mysterious courtship habits of Prongus ineptus, otherwise known as the common Potter. This male, a rather scrawny, immature specimen, is about to make a bid for the favors of his chosen doe. [
5. Remus J. Lupin. Not Dead Yet. [
6. There'd been so many opportunities: nearly touching Remus' arm as they sat relaxing by the lake on the odd weekend afternoon; almost asking him about the unknown quantity that was his love life; verging on accidentally leaning in too close to point out something in their homework. [
7. "I wanted you to have something to keep." It was easier than saying I wanted something of yours to keep, although no less true. [
8. 'Oh, yes, we do look very sad,' commented Remus, peering at the picture. 'Why are we sharing a corn-on-the-cob, though?' [
9. "I’m enjoying myself, in this rather wonderful little club that I never knew existed before tonight," Sirius paused, still grinning broadly and watching Remus as though highly amused. [
10. ... you are not good enough to marry into the Black family. You are too poor, a school teacher, barely able to support himself. You are too old for her. You are a werewolf, and regardless of the current laws, you are not a desirable addition to the family. [