so the hurricane is now a catagory 5! holy schmolies! its supposed to go to new orleans and mississippi but its so big we r porbally gonna get a lot of it needless to say i am packing up with the fam and we r going to grandmas hurray! call me ! 982-6894
6 30 am PTSA yard sale 8 30 am high school swim meet came back in gulf breeze bought a 2 person bike going to buy ryans present take a power nap maybe highlight my hair ryans party
well we are fairly far along in the school year, at least it seems like we are neway, and the same question that arises every year at around this time has once again arose...
so my last post was fairly sry for that... neways had an awesome weekend....casey is gonna be in FL this weekend! hopefully i will be able to see her
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