wooooo-Im still not done wiht these pics so there are new ones on like everydayyy

Sep 19, 2004 12:20

i got the pictures to load onnnn..no idea how but i was playin around with it and it workeddd...genioussss..ive got some old pictures on here but oh well they are cute so im putting them on..

kp spotten some hair on her legs and i did on mine to so we sat out on the balconay and shaved with lotion haha

kps finishing product bc the shaving one was deleted..!

and our bordem beginss...

"hey maybe if we put our heads 2gether it will workk..

dont ask..haha u can see how messy my hair was though

well this was supposed to be our thinking looking away face but kp looks like shes mad..



action 1

action 2..haha

these poses were not planned haah it was just how her hair was flyin and i was takin the picture!

another nite..more bordem..cute picture..

back to backk..

hey look up theree..

fish facesss

dont know what i was thinkinggg..kps high cheek bones..

aww i like this oneee


long walk on the beach to AC..haha not reallyyyy

yeah we got home and we were bored..

haha my bearrr

arieal view...haha

sleeepinggg beautiessss..<33!

that niteee..bitch looks better than i do in my clothes! ha

what a weird picture but its sooo ccooolll lookingg!

that faget cut my head off..well part of it haha

--these last pics came out really weird..im gonna see if i can fix emmmmm
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