Calling the Wind

Jan 15, 2012 00:28

In posting this, I am realizing just how long it's been since I've really used my fandom journal. Since I doubt very many people follow that anymore, however, I shall post this here...

To be honest, ashes_and_wings is responsible for a lot more of my fangirling than I realized. Years and years ago, she had a lot to do with the push that knocked me fully into the FFVIII fandom, and while my headcanon has gone off in its own direction since then, I still love her stories, and think she is overall pretty amazing. She also is a lot of the reason I like FSTs, as the first few times I came across them they kind of confused me...Until I heard a few songs that I really just connected to her stories, at which point all of the pieces fell into place, I felt silly for being so slow on the uptake, and between her and discovering/meeting/befriending irishais a few years later, I can no longer listen to music without my brain immediately fitting the song into a fandom category.

This particular FST was very long in the making, and has changed a lot. I think I first contacted her.. Gosh probably three or four years ago and asked if she would be okay if I made one for her and posted it. Only one of the original songs I had in mind is still on here. There are plenty of others I think would fit, and a couple on here that probably should have been replaced, but here it is.

I have my own clear ideas of which songs fit with which story/character/pairings, and these are definitely meant for Ashbear's canon, not the game itself or my own headcanon... I don't know if her other readers will see this in quite the same way as myself, and for that reason I will not post my own thoughts here, but if anyone who does download this is curious as to any of my reasonings I would be more than happy to share. So, enjoy!

1. Sometime After Midnight - The Airborne Toxic Event
2. A Good Start - Maria Taylor
3. 9 Crimes - Damien Rice
4. If There's a Rocket Tie Me To It - Snow Patrol
5. Grace - Kate Havnevik
6. The Background - Third Eye Blind
7. Beyond Love - The The
8. The Fear You Won't Fall - Joshua Radin
9. If It's Love - Train
10. Lifeline - Angels & Airwaves

Bonus Track - Caves - Jack's Mannequin

Download link -

calling the wind, ashbear, fandom, fst, final fantasy

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