Enzan tapped lightly on the door of Netto's apartment. After
meeting a few people in that Nexus place, including a couple different versions of his incarnate, he had eventually managed to find a portal to Netto's world--which was good, since while
talking with one alternate he had discovered that even though their world had been destroyed, Chaud was still very much alive. And Enzan had a mind to kill him. Of course, he needed to figure out where exactly he was to do that, for which he needed help, and who would understand better than Netto?
Blues was currently sleeping in his PET, and he hadn't said anything at the look on his partner's face, although he'd doubtless guessed Enzan had finally had it with the other and opted a different recourse.
Chaud had been on the verge of dying earlier, which definitely meant he was injured somewhere and recieving treatment. Which meant he was in a hospital of some kind. Which left him vulnerable.
He sighed lightly and waited for Netto to answer the door.