Name: Ijuuin Enzan (伊集院炎山)
Age: 22
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 158 lbs.
Body Frame: Athletic
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Sexually Bisexual, Romantically Homosexual
Day of Birth: December 11th
Blood Type: AB-
Natural Hair Colour: White and Black
Natural Eye Colour: Indigo
Village: None, and all
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Unguided)
Rank: Wanderer (ANBU)
Appearance: Wears a black shirt and camo pants as well as a red vest.
Personal Information
Personality: Enzan is a very introverted person for his line of work. He shields himself mentally from anyone he considers annoying. He is prone to snap judgments and will not change his opinions quickly. His attitude toward people close to him is somewhat more lenient, and he will be far less formal with them. If he hates someone, he will affect a stiff, flat persona and attempt to hide his reactions to them, but he has a rather strong temper that often gets the best of him.
As a Ghost Walker, Enzan has been able to hear the stories of the dead and often the pain they have had inflicted on them since he was very young. He has felt bound to try and prevent that sort of pain from happening to those he has it in him to protect.
Enzan greatly dislikes liars and cheaters, and is a very honest person himself. He sees absolutely no point in lying and considers it one of the lowest blows to honour possible. He will never tell a lie if he can at all avoid it and will always be disgusted when he detects the falsehoods of others.
Since realizing many of his memories are false, though not their source, Enzan has reverted back to his old irritable, sarcastic, abrasive personality. He seems much more threatening, yet in reality he now holds life at a higher value than he did before and is more reluctant to kill. This is likely a result of Saito's influence more than anything else.
Appearance: Enzan basically has four main outfits.
The first is the one depicted above, which is his civilian wear. When he is off-duty, he wears this.
The second is his daily outfit as Kage/Sennin. It's the same as above, except accompanied by a dark grey cloak. ICly, he is recognizable as Sennin when wearing this outfit, or Kage if you know he is.
The third is his 'battle gear,' which he only wears during the conflicts in Spectre Zones, considering it too heavily armoured for regular use. This consists of a black bodysuit, black gloves and heavy boots, and a deep purple chest plate and set of bracers. His sword is sheathed at his side when he wears the armour, but on his back when he is only wearing the suit. Out of armour, he also occasionally wears a dark purple cape and shoulder pads.
Fourth is diplomatic attire, which he hasn't really had the opportunity to use yet. He wears a white bodysuit similar to the black one with silver, gold, and lavender trimming, white gloves, and white boots (which are actually the same heavyset boots as the black ones--he just warps the colour and stylings on them). His sword is alternately sheathed at his side or on his back in this outfit. Occasionally, if he wants to look more impressive, he'll warp the purple cloak and shoulder pads to silver and gold respectively and wear them.
The first two outfits, one should always assume he has any number of concealed weapons on him; the second two don't leave room for concealment.
Biography: Enzan has always been on the fringe of anything he has been a part of, often going almost unnoticed. He has been around death much of his life, having an intense near death experience when he was very young. This has given him an unusual view toward it, an almost...accepting one. He believes that death is an inevitability and that one should endeavour to walk both sides of the line if they can manage it, considering it a truly great gift to be able to do so.
During his time at the academy, while he was fostered with the Aoki family, his classmates included council member Souna Setsuko and gate guard Aoki Seiya, his foster sister. Enzan and Setsuko forged an odd friendship out of their mutual gift for seeing the dead, although she chooses to embrace life as much as death while he disdains the living, a point of contention only with him. Enzan disapproves of Seiya's reckless style but still values her friendship, as they have other similarities aside from having lived together.
Enzan has lately become aware that he is not from this world. He remembers everything about his own homeworld--except the people.
He has recently been inducted into the ANBU under the Legend sector. His mask is that of a phoenix, which is symbolically fitting for him, but he rarely wears anything but the robe. He continues to wear the ANBU robe, though he has been inducted as Sennin of general affairs.
Training in linguistics, translating, daydreaming.
-Foods: Anything but fish and eggs. He's not fussy. But he needs his coffee.
-Fun: Reading, medicine, history, memories, warping reality for personal amusement, teasing, pranking.
-People Who: Are dead? lolz Ghost Walker
-Foods: Fish and eggs
-Activities: Having to do any kind of diplomatic work. He still does it, though.
-People Who: Are alive or treat him condescendingly, or are habitually dishonest or cheaters. Have used up all their chances with him--they only get two. Accuse him of being a liar. Treat him as though he's stupid. Carry on with hysterics and dramatics. Are on council, due to most of them having unfailingly broken most of the above, and that he thinks the majority of them are idiots. STATISTICS
Chakra Control:
Overall Power level:
Stat Average:
37800 (38325, +525 from items)
37051 (37386 with items)
0600 (CAPPED, Cap broken twice, 603, +3 from items)
0600 (CAPPED)
0416 (Cap broken once)
0600 (CAPPED, Cap broken once)
0600 (CAPPED, cap broken once, 620 from CA skills)
0553 (Cap broken once, 558, +5 from items)
3389 (3397, +8 from items)
Netrunner HP: (43*+lvl) x Stamina
CP: (47*+lvl) x Chakra Control
Bonus: +2 Genjutsu DC, *+10% spell damage
High: Genjutsu Difficulty
Average: Melee Accuracy, Genjutsu Save, Evasion, Spell Accuracy.
Low: Ranged Accuracy.
*Special: Veteran Grade
Ghost Walker:
Ghost Walkers might have been a clan in days of old, but they now live scattered across the world, mostly keeping to themselves. Their distinct attunement to the otherworldly empowers them, allowing them to use Genjutsu much more destructively, and granting them other unique abilities.
Genjutsu Mastery (Passive): With their understanding of the real and unreal, Ghost Walkers can use genjutsu much more effectively than others can, making their illusions more potent and longer lasting.
Effect: Genjutsu deal 5% more damage, last 1 round longer and cost 10% less to maintain.
Sound Mind (Boost; Purchased x3): Because of their many encounters with the supernatural or unreal, Ghost Walkers are far less affected by the strange or illusionary, giving them a calm mind in the face of the bizarre or unreal.
Effect: +1 Genjutsu resistance
Ghost Spell (Special Move): Ghost Walkers have the unique ability to make their illusions physically present, making them that much harder to resist and avoid.
Effect: Gives a genjutsu physical presence, meaning the target must successfully resist the users genjutsu difficulty and avoid their ninjutsu accuracy. This may only be used 3 times per battle and costs HP and CP equal to 10% of the jutsu's normal initiation cost.
Ghost Illusion (Special Move): An advanced version of Ghost Spell, this technique is more accurate and even makes the genjutsu more powerful along with giving it a physical aspect. This replaces Ghost Spell.
Effect: Gives a genjutsu physical presence, meaning the target must successfully resist the users genjutsu difficulty and avoid their ninjutsu accuracy. Gains +1 difficulty to resist and +1 accuracy. Deals 10% more damage. This may only be used 5 times per battle and costs HP and CP equal to 15% of the jutsu's normal initiation cost.
Extra-Sensory Perception (Modification): Honed beyond that mere 'gut instinct' that some people can get, a Ghost Walker's ability to know things by feeling is just downright creepy in how accurate they can be.
Effect: Can detect people nearby, harder to ambush or surprise. Can often tell if something's real or not (a fake, illusion, supernatural occurance) just by looking at it. In battle, this manifests as a +2 to all awareness and genjutsu resistance rolls.
Illusionary: (Boost; Purchased x2) : Ghost Walkers are masters of illusion, and are far more adept at genjutsu than any other ninja is or possibly could be.
Effect: +10 Genjutsu. This bonus is not affected by nor does it break caps.
Ghostly Form (Jutsu; Rank 2): The culmination of their supernatural power, a Ghost Walker can use this technique to turn completely ethereal for a small amount of time.
Effect: User turns ethereal for 2 rounds, making them immune to melee and ranged attacks and taijutsu, but they cannot deal melee, ranged, or taijutsu damage to others. They also take 60% less elemental damage.
Cost: 5000 CP and 3AP.
Core Points Spent: 15
Core Points Remaining: 0
Medical Knowledge
Constant Ability - Healing Jutsus +50% effectiveness - Herbalism - No ability slot used
Veteran Grade
Constant Ability - +5 to HP and CP Modifiers - Special: +2 bonus points to Class Bonus
Sixth Sense
Constant Ability - Chance to sense hidden people - Bonus to avoid being ambushed - Can sometimes discern lies from truth
Constant Ability - Takes no time to draw weapons - Can throw a weapon as a free action once every two rounds
Weapon Mastery: Sword
Constant Ability - +1 accuracy to sword attacks - +20% damage to sword attacks
Chakra Extension
Activated Ability - +1 accuracy - +20% damage - Sword/Blade Types: 120 chakra per round - Should a player miss by one, weapon still deals 25% of the weapon's damage
Handseal Expert
Constant Ability - Jutsu with handseals cost .5 AP less
Flame Burst
Mastered/3 - 1500 damage up to 6ft away - +50 damage for 5 rounds - 1400 Chakra
Lightning Edge
Rank 1 - 3 AP to charge - 5500 lightning damage - -4 Accuracy - 3500 Chakra
Stone Missiles
Rank 1 - 10 missiles at 140 damage each - Up to 3 targets - -4 Accuracy - Can explode stones for 50 extra damage each - 20% chance for explosions to cause dust for -.5 accuracy; stacks up to -2 - 950 Chakra; 50 to explode each missile - 300 CP to keep rocks floating - Only takes 1.5 AP to use airborne stonesNinjutsu
Storm Bolt
Rank 1 - 200 damage at -2 accuracy - 100 Chakra
Wall of Spirits
Mastered/3 - Lasts 4 rounds - Wall has 3000 HP regenerating each round - User gains back 200 HP/round while active - 1000 Chakra
Earth Dragon Missile
Rank 1 - Dragon launches 10 missiles - 450 damage - -3 accuracy - 4000 Chakra
Speed Boost
Rank 1 - +8 agility - 75 Chakra; 30/round
Thunder Fist
Mastered/3 - Charges for 4 rounds - Adds 60 Lightning damage to attacks - Hurts user for 70 damage a round - 600 Chakra
Rank 3 - Attacks 4 times - -3 accuracy - 300 damage/bolt - 550 Chakra
Mastered/3 - Takes 1 AP to form - +150 weapon damage - 900 Chakra
Lightning Rod
Rank 1 - +1 accuracy in melee - -2 accuracy thrown - 5000 damage - Lowers target's AP by .5 and makes it so it cannot carry over to next round - 8500 Chakra, 3.5 AP
Mastered/3 - 4 clones - 15 Chakra per clone
Soul Eater
Mastered/3 - Lowers Genjutsu save a fair bit more - Ranged weapons only - 300 Chakra
Mist of Deceit
Mastered/3 - -10% stats - Exhausts 10% faster - 1200 Chakra; 480/round
Death Viewing
Mastered/3 - -4 accuracy/dodge - Lasts 4 rounds - 800 Chakra
Tree Binding
Mastered/3 - Binds for 4 rounds - +2 accuracy to next attack - 700 Chakra, 250/round
Rank 1 - Weaker targets may be paralyzed - -3 dodge/accuracy - Lasts 3 rounds - 20% chance to lower Gen Save/DC - 3000 Chakra
Hidden Mist
Rank 1 - 10 feet - 3 rounds - Minus 2 accuracy - 300 Chakra; 50/round
Mastered/3 - Cancels level 1-7 Genjutsu - Can attempt to save another from level 1-5 at 2x cost - 100 Chakra x canceled jutsu level
Transparent Escape
Rank 1 - Must be hugging wall - 40% transparency - 100 Chakra to initiate - 40 Chakra/round to maintain
After Image
Mastered/1 - +5% Evade on movement - 700 Chakra; 400/round
Lingering Spark
Mastered/3 - -3 dodge - 180 damage/round - lasts 4 rounds - 500 Chakra
Temple of Nirvana
Rank 1 - Targets sleep for 3 rounds - 750 Chakra/targetimages/Lingering%20Spark.jpg">
Mastered/3 - -3 dodge - 180 damage/round - lasts 4 rounds - 500 Chakra
Illusions of Grandeur
Rank 1 - +50 to all stats against 1 target - Lasts 3 rounds - 1600 Chakra
Rank 2 - Stay invisible for 3 rounds - 600 Chakra
Vision of Hell
Rank 1 - -1 Accuracy/Dodge if resistance fails - 30 Chakra
Rank 1 - -2 Accuracy/Dodge. Lasts 2 rounds. 10% chance to lower Genjutsu by 1-10 for rest of battle - 600 Chakra
Phoenix's Embrace
Mastered/3 - -2 accuracy and 300 damage/round - Lasts 4 rounds- Other damage taken increased by 5% - 750 Chakra
Flame Mirage
Mastered/3 - 200 damage/round - -2 accuracy - Lasts 5 rounds - Harder to resist - 400 Chakra
False Surroundings
Rank 1 - 2x2 Illusion - 50 Chakra; 20 Chakra/round
Force Wave
Mastered/3 - Wave does 120 damage, 5 projectiles max - 85 Chakra
Enhanced Punch
Mastered/3 - +15 Damage to unarmed - 25 Chakra
Dance of the Crescent Moon
Mastered/3 - 8 clones - x1.5 weapon damage - +1 accuracy - 40% chance for sneak attack - 850 Chakra
Aerial Strike
Rank 1 - 2x damage - -3 Accuracy - No penalty against airborne - 500 Chakra
Destruction Wave
Rank 1 - 800 damage - -2 Accuracy against hidden opponents - Goes 10 ft. - 800 Chakra
Eye of the Tiger
Mastered/1 - +5 dodge - +1 accuracy - No Chakra
Shadow Dance
Mastered/3 - +3 Accuracy - x1.25% damage - 800 Chakra
Lightning Kick
Rank 1 - 450 damage - +1 Accuracy - 5% chance of stunning - 850 Chakra
Single Slicing Whirlwind
Rank 2 - 2.2x kick damage - 1.1x sword damage - -1 Accuracy - 2 kick, 1 swing - 800 Chakra - 20% Exhaustion
Power Lunge
Rank 1 - +1.5 accuracy - +.5 dodge for the round - Agility x 3 added to weapon damage - -2 dodge against next attack if miss - 400 Chakra
Take Aim
Mastered/3 - +2 Accuracy to next attack - +1 dodge until then - 100 Chakra
Cross Slash
Rank 1 - 2 hits +100 damage - 350 Chakra
Air Slash
Rank 1 - 1 slash, echo at 50% - 400 Chakra
Rank 1 - 3x weapon damage - Normal accuracy - Once every 5 turns - -3 accuracy and dodge for user 4 rounds - 1500 Chakra
Mystical Hand
Mastered/2 - Heals 150 + 3% MAXHP/round - 350 Chakra to initiate - 250 Chakra/round to maintain
Medical Jutsu
Mystical Force
Rank 1 - Heals 400 + 4% MAXHP/round - 700 Chakra to initiate - 500 Chakra/round to maintain
Chakra Scalpels
Mastered/3 - Does 5% HP damage a hit - Cannot be used with other jutsu - Cuts through all physical damage reduction - 2500 Chakra to initiate - 1000 Chakra/round to maintain
Nervous System Confusion
Rank 1 - -5 dodge, -3 accuracy - Lasts 6 rounds - Debuffs lessen by .5 each round - Uses melee accuracy - 5000 Chakra - 4 AP
Enzan's Relationship TableHead(upper): Red Bandanna
Armor 1: White Vest
Armor 2: ANBU Robe
Gloves: Battle Gloves
Extra: Bell
Accessory 1: Earthen Wrist
Accessory 2: Earthen Wrist
Items(6): Crossbow, War Fan, Jitte, Jitte, Exploding Note x5, Fuuma Shuriken [folded]
Special: Sheath (Tsurugi; placed at right hip)
Special: Sheath (Dagger; placed under upper left leg)
Special: Sheath (Dagger; taped to lower right leg)
Special: Quiver (Bolts x2; strapped to back)
Special: Projectile Holster (Shuriken, Senbon; placed at left hip)
Special: Mist Forehead Protector (Strapped around right shoulder)
Special: Headset (ANBU Callsign: Alpha; Marked down as
A13 with the A being an alpha symbol)
Other: Genin Medal, Chuunin Medal, Antivenom, Medical Rinse, Headset, ANBU Mask, ANBU Breastplate, Kage Robes, Truth Serum, Jounin Medal, Golden Scalpel, ANBU Armguards
- Dislike; Hate
- Acquaintance
- Friend
- Good Friend
- Best Friends; Crush
- Family; Deep Crush (Close to love)
- Full Blown Love
: Takasato Hiro, Kaname Zaeru, a few random missing nin (Kyuuten, Zero, Tatsuya Kin), Honoo Jigoku (dead), Tarantsu Maku (dead)
: Takasato Aika, Hayashi Akemi, Hayashi Sachiko, Resakan, Murakami Kareo, Leaf gate guard (Izuka Nesa), random Leaf nin (Santaru Sagara), Sho Itami, Sentama Reikazu, Ibaraki Kenichii, Shoukyou Tokiya, Leaf ANBU (Kami, Kanekura Jeice), Katsura, random Mist nin (Suken Momochi, Hyuuga Takumi), Hyuuga Hira, Yushi Migoya, Akimichi Hitoshi, Kitano Kano (watching), Hyuuga Kibari (dead), Hateshinai Aisu, Kimichika Kitsumi, Tamashi, Ming Yue
: Aoki Seiya, Shirai Katsu (student), Hasegawa Renzo, Eskiimo Michiku, Shiruko Kanashimi (ghost)
: Souna Setsuko, Nara Ryuujin, Egawa Kimi
: Kaname Urukiora (crush), Shiruko Saito (ghost)
: Blues