Title: Finding Our Way Back
sunalsosets Artist:
dirklover23 Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters. Not done for profit, but just for fun.
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Noah, Luke/Reid, Alison, Casey, Maddie, Lily
Word Count: 35,444
Warnings: There is some brief Luke/Reid romance but it's basically all about Luke and Noah.
Spoilers: None since the show's over.
Summary: The story picks up after Noah recovers from his surgery to get his sight back. Luke and Noah try to pick up the pieces of their relationship and move on but a secret between Luke and Reid tears them apart. The story is basically their journey to find their way back to each other. Sorry if that's weak but I really suck at summaries. Also, it's canon I guess, even if I've manipulated certain things.
Author’s Notes: Oh where to start. First of all, I'm just glad I was able to post this because a few days ago, I didn't think it would happen with how messed up Livejournal was. I want to thank
dirklover23 for her awesome art work and genuine excitement about my story. I don't really write fanfics. I've only written two fanfics in my entire life - one was a one-shot and the other a WIP that took me literally years to complete. So this is particularly huge for me to not only write one but be part of a Big Bang. I hope people like it and be gentle (lol). I had fun writing it and as weird as this might sound, it was almost cathartic. I got to create my vision of how the show SHOULD have ended and I'll just choose to pretend that that's how it really did (lol).
Also, the story has 23 chapters which are is broken up into 5 Parts. The first four chapters were already posted at the luke_noah community.
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Epilogue