After a year hiatus, we're back -- and ready to spread the het and slash love, rare pairs and popular pairings alike.
Submissions will be posted several times a day from 20 June 2009 - 20 July 2009. All participants and those following the community must be 18 years of age, as the work posted here will be adult in nature.
1. You must be 18 by 19 June 2009 to participate. No exceptions.
2. If you sign up for a gift fic or art, you must write or draw a gift for a person that will be assigned to you.
3. If you are writing, your story must be a minimum of 1,000 words. Your story must also be beta-read.
4. All work must be rated R or NC-17 - 'cos the exchange doesn't have 'Smut' in the title for nothing.
5. Please follow the recipient's wishes. While you do not have to include every pairing or other aspect of their request, please try to honour the request to the best of your abilty. Use common sense. If the recipient states that they do not like bondage, please do not include bondage in your story or artwork.
6. If you, at any time, need to back out of the exchange, let me know as soon as possible so that I may find someone to fill in for you.
7. When your work is completed, please email it to tarie AT livejournal DOT com with 'Sun and Smut' in the title. Fics should be in a Word Attachment with Smart Quotes turned off and any special html coding (italics, bold, underline, center, etc) included. Work must be completed by June 1 and emailed to me. If you feel you will be needing an extension, LET ME KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
8. Please do not archive your work elsewhere until artists and authors have been revealed on the community in the form of a master list.
9. All fic or art must have the following header included in the file sent to me:
FROM: (I will edit this part out when posting, but please include it for my record keeping.)
10. Het and slash alike will be allowed in this fest.
How do you sign up? Follow this template:
You must be willing to write slash OR het. I will try to accommodate everyone as best I can according to their strengths, but be advised that you may be asked to write or draw something you do not consider to be your strength.
Sign-ups will be open until Monday March 9.