Title: Unlikely
Author: sodapop_mermaid
Fandom: Magi Nation
Characters/Pairing: Korok/Serafi
Table: Random 2
Prompt: 05. Unlikely
Rating: PG
Warnings: Minor spoilers for the "War of the Twins" storyline.
Summary: Korok has doubts regarding his new companion's abilities.
Word Count: 200
Out of all the brave magi who pledged their aid to Kybar's front, Serafi was probably the least likely to impress Korok. He had seen her in a very vulnerable moment, and it also happened to be his first impression of her. Naturally, he assumed she was just a weak adept who required the aid of a guardian.
"Perhaps you should reconsider." He said gruffly and pulled her aside. “We’re looking for experienced magi.”
Serafi responded by huffing and slipping out of his reach. She firmly planted her fists on her hips and answered in a tart voice, “Kazm was asking for magi, not you.”
Korok, taken aback by her sour reply, grunted and folded his arms across his broad chest. He tromped past her, angry that she had mistaken his kindness for insult. Ever since he rescued her, things had gone awry. He doubted himself and quietly sought her acceptance. He glanced over his shoulder and eyeballed her speaking with Kazm. The sight made him uneasy.
Serafi caught him staring and giggled. He was a strange magi, so serious and full of himself. Maybe, one day, she would get used to his eccentricities.
Not likely any time soon, however.
Title: Strange
Author: sodapop_mermaid
Fandom: Magi Nation
Characters/Pairing: Korok/Serafi
Table: Random 2
Prompt: 14. Strange
Rating: PG
Warnings: Minor spoilers for the "War of the Twins" storyline.
Summary: Serafi starts to regret her decision to leave Arderial behind.
Word Count: 200
Kybar’s Teeth was one of the most dreadful regions she’d ever traveled to. The mountain peaks seemed to tear the sky into tufts of clouds, and vegetation was scarce with the exception of some hardy, gnarled trees.
She felt so out of place; even the female magi could lift boulders over their heads while she could barely pull a weed out of the ground. Maybe she should have heeded Korok’s words and returned to her home.
“Hey!” Korok shouted suddenly, bringing her back into reality. He stood beside his faithful Moga and stared back at her with a bewildered expression. He hollered across the valley, “Are you tired?”
Serafi slowly replied, “I’ll be fine, really.”
He didn’t seem convinced and took it upon himself to correct the situation by herding his steed over to where she stood and urging her to climb onto its back. When she politely refused, he became aggravated and demanded, “He doesn’t mind.”
Serafi shook her head, much to his displeasure.
“Don’t be so stubborn.” He growled and grabbed her by the hand, forcing her to mount the furry beast. When she ceased wiggling and calmed down, Korok proudly led his creature along the well-trodden path.