Title: Five Nights Alone (Part Two)
sodapop_mermaidFandom: Tales of the Abyss
Claim: Sync/Arietta
Rating: PG-13 or T
Prompt: A Lost Childhood Memory
Warnings: Major spoilers for the game and some blood.
Disclaimer: Tales of the Abyss is Bandai-Namco's, not mine.
Notes: Arietta's new master convinces her of the necessity to kill and survive. With their new army of monsters, they're ready to carry out the final sentence against Luke and Co.
A series of voracious roars echoed throughout the great tree as the rebel pack of ligers stormed the Cheagles' home at long last. Perched upon the faulty clan's patriarch was the former God General, Arietta the Wild. It had taken a few days but she managed to rally a force strong enough to rival Belkend's. It was mostly thanks to her older brother and his blatant form of persuasion.
Arietta couldn't stand the Cheagles. Of all monsters, they were the most annoying. Squeaky and treacherous, she was happy to see her new family gorging themselves upon the furry menaces. A necessary extermination, she decided.
"I always knew your cruel streak would win out." Sync murmured behind his little partner from a tree branch just above the gory scene. His mask had been discarded because of her acceptance of his new identity as her master and savior. She hadn't said a word about his relationship to the real Ion or anything about the possibility of more replicas of the Fon Master.
She no longer cared.
This excited the Storm Seeker. His subordinate was so much easier to deal with since leaving those inconvenient emotions behind. She had finally come to realize that remorse and restraint were reserved exclusively for the faint of heart. Her desire to survive against the odds and carry out her vengeance was what made her so appealing.
"It smells in here." Arietta whined, pinching her nose and sucking in her breath suddenly.
Sync somersaulted off of his throne of bark suddenly. His companion's uncouth comment had shaken what little faith he'd placed in her ruthlessness. Such weakness could not be afforded; the cost was far too great. Standing beside Arietta's sibling, he dragged her off of his back and pinned her against the wall momentarily.
"I don't think you understand." He hissed into her ears, prompting a shiver or two in reply. Leaning back, he plucked a knife out of his black cloak and thrust it into her palms. He closed her fist around the instrument and whispered, "This isn't a game anymore, Arietta. It's you or them."
"What makes you so sure I'll win?" She replied curtly, throwing the knife into the ground and staring up at him defiantly. Sync's equally disapproving gaze shattered her resolve almost instantly. She still couldn't get past how much he looked like her beloved Ion. He was nothing like the Fon Master; they were as a different as two people could be.
"You will kill Anise." Sync growled sweetly beneath his ragged breath. Moving his hands to Arietta's waist, he pulled her forward and continued in a harsh whisper, "I've seen you take the lives of your enemies in cold blood before. It feels good, doesn't it?"
The wild girl was too choked up to reply. Her chubby cheeks were almost as pink as her hair because of Sync's strange behavior. Why did it excite her so much? Just hearing him speak was enough to send her body into a fit of delightful shivers.
Satisfied with the outcome, Sync quickly released the girl and glanced over the carnage inside of the great tree. The Cheagles' incessant squealing had ceased a last. All that remained were half-eaten tufts of fur and blood, prompting a smile to pass over Sync's lips.
"The sun will set over a similar scene in Belkend tomorrow." He rasped and stared back at his dazed companion. Something stirred within him. She looked at him differently now, and it confused him. Her fear and anger had been replaced with a zeal for her new master.
He kind of liked it.