most akward lunch ever

Aug 24, 2006 11:56

So i was eating lunch by myself. Now with classes going on, most everyone is gone from the dorms and its hard to ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

blissmonger August 25 2006, 06:07:15 UTC
There was a guy like that at my dorm last year. After I sat with him awkwardly once he would come find me and sit with me every time. Beware. I had to start scheduling my lunches strategically.


bandobean August 27 2006, 18:55:49 UTC
That kind of stinks, but strategically planned lunches can be fun.

To avoid dangling bears, you could always lock your door...or set a boobie trap.


Dangling Bears blissmonger August 28 2006, 03:27:48 UTC
Thanks to Andrea, I now have a bear I can dangle at people....(over a bunkbed, perhaps?? :) )

It's a panda marionette, by the way. It's pretty sweet.


Re: Dangling Bears sunblind00 August 28 2006, 03:52:17 UTC
yeah! if you dangle it over your a bunk and talk like adam sandler you shall get rid of any unwanted roomates pretty fast... or so matt says!


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