01. Leave me a comment saying "Interview me", etc, etc.
02. Then I reply with five questions.
03. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
My answers )
Comments 20
And good luck.
1 - What's your favorite color?
2 - If you woke up one morning and found out you were going to be executed, how would you want to be offed?
3 - Earth is going to explode tomorrow. You have a super-duper rocket ship, but you can take only three others with you. Who would they be?
4 - What's your intended career field?
5 - What was the most influential event in your life within the past five years? If you feel five years is too restrictive, feel free to share any event that has molded your life, etc, etc. You know.
You can decline to answer any of this if you would like, just say "stfu" or something.
1. Dark green
2. Death by sex. Or if it must be more conventional, off with my head, Highlander style.
3. My friend Chris, my friend James, then I dunno.
4. English teacher, but I'm disliking the idea more every day.
5. Becoming an administrator on FESS.
All your fault.
Interview meeee
2 - If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Disregard nutritional requirements.
3 - Do you prefer minty gum or fruity gum?
4 - If someone, mentally balanced and suffering from some terrible disease, requested that you kill him, would you do it?
5 - If you could have an unstereotypical superpower, what would it be?
You can decline to answer any of this if you would like, if it's too personal, etc etc.
1 - If you could be any sort of virus, bacteria, or disease (yes, I know some diseases are caused by the former two), what would you be?
2 - Do you like chocolate over vanilla?
3 - What's your favorite number?
4 - What's your dream career?
5 - You're a really nice person. Is there anyone that you dislike or even hate? Also, why? (It doesn't have to be a good reason. It could be like "because she wears pink high heels and I hate heels, the color pink, and whores")
Same thing: if it's too personal... etc, etc.
1 - If you could be any sort of virus, bacteria, or disease (yes, I know some diseases are caused by the former two), what would you be?
Um... I unno... o_O;;
2 - Do you like chocolate over vanilla?
I like equally both.
3 - What's your favorite number?
4 and all of its multiples
4 - What's your dream career?
Uh... probably anything that involves computers I suppose (minus computer science... too much math x_X)
5 - You're a really nice person. Is there anyone that you dislike or even hate? Also, why? (It doesn't have to be a good reason. It could be like "because she wears pink high heels and I hate heels, the color pink, and whores")
Yeah, I loathed this one girl who I used to work with at this fast food restaurant a couple years ago... because even when we don't know each other much, she asked too much personal questions and bitched about them when I refused to answer. >_>
(Off topic, but your Hotmail address is down: Do I have FULL permissions for the Velthomer.net domain? Dreamhost says I don't, and they won't give it to me, despite me paying the bills.)
Maybe I'll just write them an email saying to give it to you, do you think they'll respond? If I give them my username and other info to prove I am indeed the holder of the account (since my hotmail address is long gone) they should be able to do the deed. I'll look into it tonight when I can.
1 - If you were a Spice Girl, what would your nickname be?
2 - Name a person that has shaped any personal philosophies and views that you currently have, and how, if you want.
3 - Name a time when you learned something that shocked you to the core.
4 - If someone paid you a couple mil, would you go in drag for a day?
5 - If you could completely wipe one thing of the face of this planet, what would it be? It can be a concept, product, chain company, type of person, single person, etc.
If you feel that you can't answer (or you don't want to), you don't have to, etc etc.
2) Hmmm... I'll go with a mix of Malcolm X, Tom Haley (my old history teacher) and Eric Cantona.
3) I can't really think of a time like that.
4) Sure, why not?
5) Racism.
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