
Nov 09, 2004 14:54

Today the worst thing that could ever happen happened, Mrs. Welsh-Hawley called my mom of course, So now i'm screwed, And my life is worse than it could ever possibly be.......I want to curl up into a little ball and die....I want to hide behind everyone and everything, And just shrivel up to even more of a nothing than I allready am, My souls is ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hiei_sama November 10 2004, 00:36:53 UTC
*hugs* I'm so sorry I thought it was serious. I was just so worried. And I know it's bad. It's still bleeding and it's so wide it scares me. I love you, too. Oh Lordy. Thank You so much. What you said made me feel so much better and I want to be there with you to see you through all of this. I just wish I hadn't said anything but I was just so worried. I was in a state of shock then I burst out crying. It wasn't your fault I needed to let it all out. It was good for me. Tonight I felt like I wanted to die but reading your comment...parts of it just made me smile...other parts made me sad...your entry made me sad but I'm here for you even though I feel like a huge dickhead. I'm having another random outburst of severe depression and thinking of you is keeping me here. I'm just so scared right now, Chelsea...I'm so scared. I don't know what I'm going to do but remember that I love you <33333


negative_energy November 11 2004, 01:59:09 UTC
You can't die. I won't let you. I don't really know what happened...but yeh. You know I'm here for you, always.

Je t'aime<333333333333333333



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