Alright, so! End of Time. Spoilers obviously. Also, RAMBLE AHOY!
The first word that comes to mind is epic. I think it was Timothy Dalton as the narrator. I’m rewatching the first few scenes right now and it just gives me shivers. But I remember actually watching it the first time around that I found it almost a little...underwhelming. It was good wasn’t my favourite.
But that being said, I think it contained some of the BEST scenes in Doctor Who as of yet. Those two scenes being Wilf and the Doctor in the cafe (of course) and the Doctor and the Master in the junkyard. The latter was ruined a bit by what my friends and I dubbed his “spirit fingers” but the relationship between the Master and the Doctor was just....fantastic. More about these later.
I was disappointed that they didn’t do more with Lucy, mostly because I think that Lucy is a rather fascinating character and I kinda love her. I guess it makes her more fascinating that she somehow smuggled in this....Master killing thing? But I was just sad that she died after her one scene. I was slightly confused because everyone would still remember that six months that he was on Earth before he became Prime Minister. But whatever.
Oh. And the Secrets Books of Saxon? What the fuck, RTD? But whatever.
The Master being ravenous and...wanting meat....and wearing a collar...was slightly hilarious. And I’m sure that poor John Simm just LOVED filming the eating scenes. :P It’s like RTD REALLY went for all the slashy goodness possible. Like the bondage chair. But that’s for the second part. The whole smelling each other thing and the whole chase sequence was just.....god. So slashy. But awesome. Sidenote, I’m going to miss David Tennant’s running face so much. In general, I’m going to miss his face. But...yeah.
OH! The Naismiths were creepy. Like I thought they were a couple in their first scenes and the “leave it to, Daddy” line was just one of those....weird pet name things. But no. He was literally her dad. Right. Incest is not ok. Who would want to live forever? would seriously suck. Although I immediately started thinking of Abigail/Jack ideas where they up and have hate sex because Jack obviously wouldn’t really like her, but...two facts in the universe? They’d have to get together at least once.
Wilf was arguably the best thing about this episode. Actually, I don’t think there would be any argument about that. :P His scenes with the “Silver Cloak” were just great! And all of his scenes really. Like I said, the scene with the Doctor in the cafe was “Some new man goes sauntering away.” Really RTD? Can you just rub salt in the wound there for poor David? And don’t even get me started when they see Donna. That just...set me off. Definitely had me crying. Stupid David Tennant and his ridiculously good acting. But I absolutely love that scene. The little nod that the Doctor gives Wilf when he asks if Donna would make him laugh again just gets me in the gut EVERY TIME.
And right after that, the awesome scene between the Master and the Doctor, which was apparently John Simm’s favourite scene to film because it was like a “Doctor Who video game.” Which is quite adorable. I just love the relationship with the Master and the Doctor in these episodes because you can really see the vulnerability with the Master, how he just wants someone to understand that the drums are real and how much the Doctor truly does love him.
The look on Donna’s face where she gives Wilf the Naismith book just breaks my heart...I still think that Donna got the WORST ending out of any companion. So...yeah. Sad. But again, more about her later again. Her fiancé seems nice though. Which is good. Cuz Donna deserves something good in her life. And the look on the Doctor’s face when he says that “she’s still fighting for it, the DoctorDonna” is just...
And then everyone on the planet except Donna, the Doctor, and Wilf turn into John Simm! Hooray! John Simm in that pink dress and the pumps is just hilarious. In any dress is hilarious, actually. :P And then Donna started to remember and that was definitely the cliffhanger I cared most about. Onto part two. And I leave you with this awesome quote, which pretty much sums up the entire Doctor/Master relationship.
“I can’t turn it off!”
“That’s because I locked it. Idiot.”
And....part two. Maybe I’ll try and be less rambley. :P
First off, since I didn’t mention this in the first part, the music, as always, ROCKS. Murray Gold is amazing. <3
The douchebag Time Lords were...douche bags. And kinda awesome, even if their logic was clearly flawed. I definitely liked the background on the Time War, why the Doctor did I’m a fan of Timothy Dalton. :P Although....uh, throwing a diamond at a picture of the Earth translating to it landing on real Earth and in the future? That’s...some technology. Wow.
And quite possibly the best part of the episode....the Doctor strapped into the bondage chair. Whose job is it to tie up David Tennant? And where would I apply for such a position? That was by far the most awkward looking chair ever....especially combined with the fact that there was definitely a bulge in his crotch area....yep. My friends and I were quite...distracted by it. *coughs* And the winking while he’s tied up and....god.
Loved the “best friend” comment from the Doctor in regards to lovely Donna. It just breaks my heart that she remembers all...the bad things, I suppose, instead of the fact that the Doctor was her best buddy.
The conversation between the Doctor and the Master. Could we GET anymore slashy? Really? “You could be beautiful....I wonder what I’d be, without you.” And the Master’s look during this entire scene was fantastic. John Simm’s acting was superb in this episode. It’s always rather good but it was awesome here.
BONDAGE CHAIR. Just thought I’d remind you guys of the fact that David Tennant was tied up in a chair during this episode. In case you’d forgotten. With a bulge.
I am glad that RTD gave us the lovely scene with the Cactuses...Cacti (That’s racist!) and the Worst. Rescue. Ever. before he broke our hearts. My friends and I greatly appreciated it at the time. I love that while Wilf is marvelling over the fact that he’s in space, you can still hear the Doctor yelling at the....Cacti. I don’t remember what they’re called. Even though I’m watching it again as I type.
Again, the Doctor and Wilf had the best scenes in the episode. The whole scene where Wilf talks about being a soldier and tries to give the Doctor the gun...and that chilling moment when he actually picks it up. Another terrifying moment, where the Doctor admits to killing people and manipulating people into killing’s a wonderful moment of alienness from the Doctor.
The scenes with the Master and the Doctor and the Time Lords were great, although I’m still wondering who the woman was....his mum? I dunno. I thought his mum was human. And the whole ascending thing with the Time Lords was totally stolen from oh...I dunno...Stargate? :P Then there was the awesome glove of Rassilon... Which, I don’t know that much about classic Who canon, but didn’t Rassilon die? The Doctor’s dilemma over who to shoot is fantastic, especially just...the looks between him and the Master. Gah. Wonderful. And the Master finally getting his revenge over the Time Lords that made him mad. And saving the Doctor in the process. <3
And then, one of the most awful scenes ever. The scene where you realize that inadvertently, Wilf has killed the Doctor. The whole bit with him inside the box is just....awful. And I honestly can’t stand to see David Tennant acting like he’s in pain. Really really can’t. The Doctor’s little temper tantrum is just so sad...Wilf knows that the anger isn’t for him but at the same time.
I so wanted Donna to wake up with her memories intact, but in retrospect, I know that it was for the best. Because if she had her memories, she’d want to go with the Doctor and he was dying and couldn’t possibly take her back....So I guess I have to be happy with what she ended up with.
So! The goodbyes. I was disappointed with Mickey/Martha. Because that means that somehow, she and Tom didn’t work out. Which is heartbreaking. But it was nice to see them I suppose. Sarah-Jane and Luke were...sweet. Jack...oh Jack. First off, what sort of bar allows baby Adipose inside? Would’ve expected better from you, Jack. I have to admit, I was very sad that the Doctor didn’t give Jack a kiss. And really, does Jack need help picking someone up? I adore that he went to go see Joan’s granddaughter. I totally forgot about seeing spoiler pictures for that was a beautiful scene. And Donna’s wedding...very sweet. I don’t really know what else to say. Because honestly, this entire time I was just waiting for Rose because I knew it would break my heart in two. And it did. I am very glad that Donna is happy. And that apparently she’s rich now?
Rose Tyler. This body’s first thoughts and some of his last thoughts were of his precious girl and just...gah. They’re so lovely. He was planning on just watching her, that much is obvious, but after she notices him...he just can’t help but talk to her for a little bit. And one of the last things he sees in that body is Rose’s lovely smile and...ugh. That sound you hear? That would be my heart breaking.
And then the painful walk to the TARDIS. Literally tore my heart in two. The whole...inspirational words from the Ood I could do without, but I digress. “I don’t want to go.” Perfect last words for this Doctor. Perfect. So not ok with me, was really the only ending he could have, couldn’t he?
I’ll admit, I’m not a huge fan of Eleven yet. He seems so much like Ten, the same...manic energy that Ten had. And I need him to be different. Plus, seeing Matt Smith in David Tennant’s clothes was all sorts of wrong. I’m trying, really trying to keep an open mind about Eleven and Amy and SM. But due to a multitude of reasons (Amy apparently not owning anything in her wardrobe that goes past mid-thigh, River Song, not being crazy on SM’s writing...etc...) I’m not sure if I’ll like it. So. Yeah.
Too terribly long to read? Basically, I liked it. There were some brilliant scenes and acting, but then there were some...silly and not so brilliant things. DIAMONDS! Being thrown at a picture of the Earth! But it was quite a good send off. And I really liked all the goodbyes, because we weren’t just saying goodbye to Ten, we’re saying goodbye to all of them as well.
...Maybe I should have put that at the beginning instead of at the end. Righto. :P