(no subject)

Apr 07, 2005 19:27

Got bored and tried to put this on xanga but it wouldnt COPY!~!!
stupid xanga....
hurr you go,
i was bored...

*1-Name- Amy MArie
*2- Nicknames- ams, dude, faggot
*3- Sex- sexy feeeeemale
*4- Birthday- 6789
*5- Age- 15
*6- Star Sign- gemini :D
*7- Place Of Birth- dayton, ohio
*8- Current Residence- East SIDE!!!
*9- Hair Color- umm red/brown
*10- Eye Color- brown but kinda green sometimes i think
*11- Height- 5'6
*12- Writing Hand- Right
*13- Do you bite your nails?- when i have nothing better to do
*14- Can you roll your tongue?-yesh
*15- Do you have any bad habits?- lying
*16- Can you raise one eyebrow at a time?- uh huh
*17- Colored hair?- no sir
*18- Tattoos and where?- nah
*19- Piercings and where?- ears (for no)
*20- Do you make your bed daily?- HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
*21- Which shoe goes on first?- whatever one i want to bitch
*22- Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone?- thats the dumbest question ive ever heard
*23- What jewelry do you wear 24/7?-rings, but not anymore cus of softball
*24- How many cereals are in your cabinet?- like 5
*25- What utensils do you use eating pizza?- what counrty do you come from? my hands retard...
*26- Do you cook?- when necessary
*27- How often do you do the dishes?- whenever im forced to (aka:24/7)
*28- How often do you brush your teeth?- 2 times a day
*29- How often do you shower or bathe?- every day
*30- How long do these showers last?- a while, like 45 min
*31-Hair Drying method- air dry, hair dryers dry out your hair and harm the environment!!!
*32- Do you Swear?- yeah i swear!!! they REALLY dry out your hair!!!!
*33- Do you mumble to yourself?- lol yes
*34- Do You Spit in public?- only on llamas
*35- Person you talk to the most on the phone?- umm idk no one calls me
*36- What color is your bedroom?- blue
*37- Do you use an alarm clock?- ya
*38- Name one thing and person you are obsessed with- gwen stefani and icecream.
*39- Window sat or aisle?- window
*40- What is your sleeping position?- umm prolly my back and stomach
*41- What kind of bed do you like?- the kind you sleeep in??
*42- In hot weather do you use a blanket?- mmhmmm
*43- Do you snore?- no sir
*44- Do you sleep walk?- idk
*45- Do You talk in your sleep?- alison says i do
*46- Do you sleep with a teddy bear?- not anymore
*47- How about the light on?- pshh who does that??
*48- Do you fall asleep with the radio or t.v. on?- sometimes
*49- Watched Bambi?- i was 7 and it scared me and i never watched it again
*50- Talked on the phone?- today
*51- Read a book?- last night
*52- Punched someone?- violence is NOT the answer :D
*53- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?- idk hopefully rich
*54- Who are you going to marry and where?- IDK DUMBFUCK!
*55- How many kids do you want to have and what will their names be?- i deff want boys if i ever have kids, i would name them weird names like Yapo and Milificent!!!
*56- Who are your best friends?- they know who they are
*57- What friend do you hang out with most?- idk, theyre kinda all the same, prolly lisa
*58- What friend makes you smile the most?- hmm thats a toughy
*59- Friend that you fight with the most?- prolly max
*60- Who do you talk to on the computer the most?- umm prolly nick or max
*61- Friends that you miss the most? prolly drew, he was the coolest. WAS
*62- Do you wear things? hmmm do i wear THINGS....
*63- How old do you want to be when you marry?- idk not too young, i wanna travel the world first
*64- Have you ever been in love?-maybe
*65- What is the longest you have been with a bf/gf?- psh
*66- What is you favorite thing to do?- hang out with my friends
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