Title Perfection
Pairing Doctor (10th) x Rose
Rating Teen
Summary If it's Rose Tyler, he'll agree with anything.
Some days, Doctor realized, he liked to lay down with Rose Tyler. He didn't remember how they started, or why Rose didn't think it was strange, or why he wasn't really uncomfortable with the way they somehow fit in her small bed, but at some point, it was alright for the Doctor to walk into her room and just throw himself next to her, and she'd be completely fine with it as she made room for him by scooting a little bit further.
Today, she had been half asleep when he found his place, right next to her. She watched him silently as he laid down, then turned to her side to poke his cheek. He let her trail a finger up to his hair and then felt her fingers brush his hair away from his face. From his hair, she let her finger drop back to his forehead, slowly turning her attention back to his cheek and feeling the pattern of his skin under her finger.
"You're so perfect..."
He winced, he was far from what she saw him to be. His expression was the type which easily gave away when he thought she was speaking nonsense, that it was just another biased opinion, even though any other time, he would be quick to reply with how brilliant he is. But when they were alone like this, he saw no point in hiding himself from her. He shifted uncomfortably next to her, but Rose did not pull away, her thumb lightly tracing his lips. Even through the tip of her thumb, he could memorize the pattern of her fingerprint, calculate her body warmth and notice the pulse of her beating heart. Her touch, easily gave away her feelings, even though he knew she wasn't trying too hard to hide them. He let his eyes close, blocking the view of the boring ceiling, and instead taking him to the mind of Rose Tyler, not going through any doors, but merely letting her presence calm him. He felt less lonely, with her this close to him.
"You are..." He noticed the way she repeated her thoughts. This girl...this woman, who thought he was perfect, could read his mind, his actions, and embrace all his faults to warm him in a winter of guilt.
"You're flawless." She muttered, and now he could sense the slight envy in her tone, it almost made him smile. He could feel that her finger was tracing the contours of his face, he could imagine her studying him to memorize every little detail. He gulped down the words that almost pushed through his chest, and opened his eyes warmly to stare back at her. If she noticed the way his hearts skip a beat, or maybe just do a somersault, she didn't react. But she smiled back widely the same second he realized he was grinning at her.
"You, Rose Tyler..." he started, shifting so that he can wrap his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. Rose found her place easily, slightly tilting her head to rest on his chest as she listened to the calming drumming of his hearts, letting them sing her a lullaby from a planet far away, far gone.
He never finished the sentence.