My hearing is still.. off, a little. Either from the concerts or from getting sick. Not sure either one makes sense, though. (Four days since the last concert... Should they still be ringing?! Does being sick alter your hearing?)
Get better Miss Sweet.lackingintasteDecember 27 2003, 19:58:15 UTC
You better get well soon Miss Carisa, for if you don't I will have to kill you. Yup. Kill you. Sorry. Just the way it has to be. No excuses. Oh and don't think I am kidding either. I sure as heck am not. Yeah, sure as Heck. Believe me that means I am REALLY sure. Ok, well I am going to go now. Feel better. I hope my comment has given you the strength you needed to do so. Later Gator.
Comments 3
(Not sure how much of a realist I am, though.)
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