And I'm itchy. Why am I itchy?!

May 31, 2010 02:42

Today was pretty much fail. To make up for it, here I am, updating livejournal!

First of all, I had the weirdest nightmare last night. I think that's what I get for staying up until 3 AM playing PEGGLE. It was sort of graphic so for the sake of people's nerves I'm going to cut it.

A snowstorm (which ended up turning into a hurricane/tsunami/watery wet thing?) was ending the world and I was trying to find my mom and dad in the chaos. The nightmare bit wasn't even the actual storm -- it was trying to get back to my house because I was at Uni. A professor that I'm on relatively friendly terms with (but nobody I'd consider a close personal friend, though he is for other people I know) was really concerned with getting me home and was assuring me it would all be okay. People were being bussed out and for some reason I kept getting other people on the buses and avoiding getting on myself (or maybe I just missed them, I can't remember at this point). When I finally secured transport with a friend (again, someone with whom I mostly have a friendship only in the realm of where we both work), he kept driving like a madman and I kept insisting he slow down. Finally I saw that he was losing it and that there was a massive car coming our way. I ducked down in the car and prepared for the worst. The two cars hit and the all-too-familiar (to me) sound of ripping metal and shattering glass surrounded me. When everything had stopped I looked back up this person no longer had a head. Yeah, not pleasant. I have no idea how I got home, but when I did, I couldn't find my father. I was probably panicking and freaking out, but my dad called out to me (in real life) to come downstairs for breakfast, so I suppose I should be glad I didn't wake up to a cold sweat. This totally beats the nightmare where the sound of my screaming in the dream woke me up in real life, so I suppose that's a good thing. I'm fascinated by the people my mind chose to appear in the dream itself. I certainly wouldn't have decapitated that person or gone to the professor mentioned in a time of crisis!

Now for Fail #2. I downloaded Prince of Persia to play on my computer, and I was REALLY EXCITED to play (y'all don't know how much I love the 2008 version, especially because I don't own it and have never actually finished the blasted thing, and probably never will since I don't own a 360 or PS3), but the button controls/mouse movement confused me & were way too involved. So I went to buy a USB controller. First gamestop's website says it's in stock at the one near my house but it's NOT, then I have to drive a half an hour to get to another one before it closes, THEN I get home and see that the stupid thing doesn't even WORK. I even downloaded a program to translate keyboard buttons as functions on the controller but no dice, it's still not working. I JUST WANT TO LISTEN TO THE PRINCE AND ELIKA'S PRECIOUS BANTER, not wonder whether or not I'm pressing the forward or back buttons ;____;.

Fail #3 time: I wanted to go running today, and I left the house intending to go to gamestop and then hit the track, but it was so stupidly hot I ended up getting a headache, and the gym had closed by then. It's the sort of dehydration related headache that won't quite go away. I therefore came home to wail about video games and loaf about my room acting like an invalide. THIS IS MY LIFE ONE WEEK OUT OF COLLEGE.

I'm trying to make up for it by doing things that Need to Git Done.

Win #1
My photo blog has some images of roses as they have decayed in the course of this past week. I am slowly learning how to make my DSLR do what I want. Slowly. I can't wait for the day I can look back on these photos I just posted and say "oh my god these suck I'm such a better photographer!". Until that day, though, you can look at my gorram flowers and you can like them 'cause I said so.

Win #2 Massive sketchblog updates!
I posted my four main characters from my book. The illustrations were part of my Thesis project. I also posted something I promised I'd make for sanguinerose  ages and ages and ages ago and just finally had time to color. She really likes it, so I'm beaming.

Win #3 - Speaking of sanguinerose , FINALLY doing this question meme from her I meant to post forever ago (story of my life, asfgjlh).

1.) How many languages do you speak and what is your level of proficiency in each of them?
At present...I speak English (though sometimes I doubt it, derp derp), speak Persian conversationally with only a little awkwardness here and there when I don't know a vocabulary word (in an academic setting this is terrible, but on a day to day basis we're alright), speak French with definite awkwardness (but always with an earnest desire to improve!) and Italian with clumsy lolarity (if anyone wants to see the weird fake Italian infomercial I made last month please, by all means, let me know, ha). I can understand Spanish perfectly (probably just as easily as I can understand French or Persian), but I haven't spoken it since I was 10. Ideally I want to be perfectly fluent in all of these languages. In the next year I want to re-learn Spanish from the ground up so I don't have to keep making excuses for not being able to speak it, keep up my Italian, re-review French grammar so I don't sound like a fool when I speak it, and learn better reading/writing comprehension when it comes to Persian.

Languages are just a hobby, fyi. :)

2.) If you were a Disney Princess, who would you be and why?

It's difficult to answer this without first discussing which one I'm most like, as opposed to which one I'd choose to be. I'm most like Mulan and Tiana in work ethic (their own particular forms of ambition are admirable) and commitment to honor (also Tiana and I are both left handed! Whee!), but I've got a dreamy streak like Ariel and Aurora. I think if I could BE any of the princesses, I'd probably pick Belle. Though I sometimes feel as though her personality traits are too one-dimensional and almost TOO ideal (she's beautiful! she loves knowledge! she speaks her mind! LOOK OUT, WORLD!), WOULD YOU SAY NO TO THAT LIBRARY? I wouldn't!

(And for the record, in terms of non-princesses, Meg and Esmeralda are where it's at!)

3.) Which countries have you been to?
Alphabetically...Antigua, Australia, Canada, England, France Iran, Italy. Length wise, I think England takes the cake (7 weeks, ish), then Iran (also around 40 days? though that was a decade ago and I remember only certain things), then Australia (~ a month, ish)

If I had my pick of places to go to back to, Iran tops the list. Summer is a risky time to go, unfortunately. Things are heated - the weather, obviously, but also politically. Summer is notorious for being protest season. I really, really want to go back to Italy now that I have a good (ish) grasp of Italian. I want to see Venice SO BADLY. Realistically, I'll probably be most likely to go back to Australia because my cousin there is getting married! YAY!

4.) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Simple answer: graduate school.
Graduate school for what, and where, I am not too sure of right now. That deserves its own post, when I'm mentally stable enough to make it, LOL.

It would be nice to say "madly in love with a tall, impossibly handsome, dignified and witty fiancé", but wasn't there already a question about fantastical Disney scenarios? ;)

5.) Did you ever finish that drawing? :P
YES WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE. It's colored and shiny and in your inbox at present.

Tomorrow I'm going to NOT have a headache and exercise and finally make that music playlist. I HOPE.

dreams, photography, lol, art, meme, fail

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