Seems everyone's questioning themselves and where they are in life at this point. I'm content where I'm at in general, but this summer is going to be another huge transition. I'm ready to take on a lot of things that I was once afraid of. I'm bailing on the east and returning home when school let's out in May, but I'll probably stick around till
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This morning someone smiled at me as if they were my best friend . Like they understood everything about me and love it. It was the most natural and reassuring smile I can recall seeing in a long time. Sincerely effortless And I believe im havening a better day because of it.
I challenge you to be more open with your smiles and really be open to noticing other peoples smiles too. See what happens when you shoot someone a real authentic bona fide smile beam -notice how you feel knowing you could(can) do something so subtle and effect so much…. Do some investigating and let us in on the results
Post script
This may only be as effective as your level of expectation alongside you intentions. don't try this with any expectations . Smiles can be creepy and scary as well.
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