[100 Super Junior Fic Challenge] Theme: #22: Diamonds

Nov 22, 2007 16:22

Title: Untitled
Author: me
Theme: #22: Diamonds
Pairing: Lee Sungmin/Kim Kibum
A/N: Part of the 100 Super Junior Fics Challenge. Click here for my fic archive.

022. Diamonds, Sungmin/Kibum

“You know, I like talking to you, hyung. Even if you do most of the talking. You make everything seem more fun.” Kibum was in the middle of seeking advice from Sungmin - who had some sort of experience with women. Not to say that Kibum didn’t - he was just too shy for his own good.

Sungmin clapped his hands in glee and hugged the younger boy. “I’m glad I’m able to help you Kibummah! You’ll get the girl in no time anyway. That killer smile of yours is one to make the women go crazy for you!” Sungmin winked suggestively and burst out into a fit of laughter. “Bummie, this reminds me of a story. Shall I tell it to you?” Kibum loved Sungmin’s stories (though they were usually very irrelevant to the current topic), even if he wasn’t ready to admit it and nodded his head ever so slightly that you’d have second thoughts as to whether he actually did it or not. Sungmin was going to go on regardless.

“I call it ‘Diamond in the Rough’.” Kibum rolled his eyes. His hyung always was one for lame and corny. Sungmin ignored him and continued.

“Once upon a time there was a strapping young lad by the name of Sungmin; yes I am talking about myself. He had talent and he was amazing. He just didn’t realise it.”

Kibum burst out into laughter and remarked, “I know what happens, hyung! Something big will happen, then you’ll realise your self worth and then you’ll have been formed into a perfect ‘diamond’. Am I right?” He only ever spontaneously talked a lot with anyone he was comfortable with.

Sungmin scrunched up his nose and retorted, “Why’d you have to ruin my fantastic story, Kibummie? I wanted to boast about myself a little.” He sounded a little bit miffed, though he eagerly changed the subject after some thought. “Speaking of diamonds, I received a diamond ring from someone I used to date! Wanna see?” Kibum, however, was uninterested in material things and thought of an excuse to get out of it. “It’s getting late Sungmin, hyung… I’m going to go to bed now, k? Thanks for the advice…” Sungmin just watched the younger walk away, exasperated that his attempts to show off had failed.

!fic: 100 super junior challenge, !fic: super junior, pairing: minbum, theme: #22: diamonds

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