Title: The Silent Laughter Scares Me
sunflower_petal Featuring: Super Junior
Pairing: Kim Jongwoon (Yesung)/Kim Ryeowook
Fandom: Super Junior
Rating: PG probably.
A/N: Lately I've in been in an "I love Yesung and I love Ryeowook so much!" mood, so I can't help but write about them. Also, it's a little bit angsty.
WARNING: I'm really sorry but there's a character death.
The days are a lot colder when you hurt me. The daylight turns into darkness and I can't see anything except for pitch black. Your face appears from the shadows and it taunts me.
"I don't want you."
I can't hear you, but I can see the words forming on your lips. A silent jeer and then all I can hear is laughter.
"Hey... you dozed off again. Maybe you should go home. You might be coming down with a fever." A kind voice and a gentle push awakens me from my slumber. I open my light brown eyes to see a worried expression on the younger boy's face. I smile half-heartedly and offer some reassurance with a quiet, "I'll be alright. Thank you Sungmin, I'll be able to go to class." He looks at me skeptically but he shrugs as his face lights up, pulling on my arm, lifting me off the ground and onto my feet. He smiles a goodbye before he races off ahead, trying to beat the school bell.
It's fall. Winter is near.
I stumble my way toward my classroom, steadying myself against the walls of the corridors, taking my time should I lose balance and fall. I feel warm arms wrap around me from behind and I don't even have to turn around to know whose soothing embrace I'm in. "I know it's hard," Leeteuk whispers into my ear. "But we're here to make it through the rough times with you." He smiles as he gives me a squeeze before the warm arms fall to his side. He walks beside me.
Soon after, I feel a sharp thump on my back and raucus laughter reaches my ears. "How're you holding up, Yesung?" He says my name so casually that an urgent pain in my heart causes me to stagger but two strong arms grab me and steady me before I fall. "Mmm, sorry, I forgot." Elaborate yet somewhat violent hand gestures pierce through the air as the conversation takes a turn. The older of the two finally reaches his classroom. "Yesung, Siwon, I'll go to class now. Take care." A dimpled smile appears before he turns his back and closes the door behind him.
A few minutes of comfortable silence passes between us when he suddenly stands in front of me and places two hands on each of my shoulders. He doesn't say anything but his gaze pierces through me, burning my eyes into their sockets. He's not angry, but this is just a silent reminder that I'm not the only one that's hurting.
"Cut it out, Siwon." A confident voice is accompanied by a well structured face. "You're not being very nice to him." With just a look, he sends the younger grumbling away. He looks at me with kind eyes and makes a simple remark, "You're late to class." He laughs as he places his arm around my shoulder, protecting me. I look at him gratefully, showing my appreciation by resting my head on his shoulder as we take small and sure steps towards my classroom.
Another boy passes us in the corridor, giving us an encouraging smile. "Keep him safe, Heechul." The boy next to me scoffs, laughing a little ruefully. "That Kyuhyun, thinks he can tell me what to do." But he doesn't leave my side and only holds onto me tighter as we near my classroom.
We are so close to the door... but I can't make it.
I fall.
He isn't prepared for it, allowing me to slip through his arms, landing with a hard thud on the wooden floors of the school.
I see your laughing face and I black out.
I have the same dream, but this time your words are slightly different.
"I don't want you to be with anyone else. I only want you to be with me."
I see your precious smile.
"I love you."
Once again I can't hear you but I can see your lips forming the sweet words.
"Yesung." I sit up, my eyes still closed. I start to open them and I see myself in the school nurses office. The boy with the beautiful face isn't with me any more, and all I see are concerned eyes, high cheekbones accompanied by eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Did you hear what I said? I said that I don't want you to be with anyone else. I only want you to be with me. I said that I love you." Before I can respond, you, who are seemingly a figment of my imagination, is gone.
The nurse walks in just in time to hear my pressing question. "Miss, did you see him just now? Where did he go?" She gives me a puzzled look and checks my forehead for a temperature. "No one's been allowed inside this room since you entered it. No one's been in here - except for me and you. Who are you talking about?" I shake my head in denial, tears on the brink of breaking free as I exclaim in frustration. "Kim Ryeowook! He was here just moments before... tell him to come back!" She gives me a sympathetic look, sighing as she answers me. "Kim Ryeowook... he... don't you remember? Both of you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, and only you survived. He's been dead for a year now. There's no way that he could've been here." A soft smile as she leaves the room and I clearly see your face, tormenting me. I groan in distress and wonder why can't I be with you. I act rashly and before I can even think, I'm out of the three story window soaring, feeling so free... until I hit the ground and I'm reunited with you once again.
"I've missed you, my love."
All I can hear is silent laughter.