Title: Omelet Omake
Pairing: Asami x Akihito, special guest appearance
Warnings: Pure Crack
Disclaimers: Yamane sensei owns them, and would probably disclaim all connection to this. ^^;
Omake to yesterday's post
Omelet. This is just one of those silly things that hits you at 3:00 am...
Omelet Omake )
Comments 58
Poor Asami. Wonder he will get to figure things up. *ROFLMAO* :p
What was that bag for anyway?
I think Asami will figure things out pretty quickly since Aki won't show signs of surgery, and Aki's ass will be his. XDD
Um, the bag was Kiichi being rude and silly about a colostomy bag. That would not really work of course, but Asami wouldn't know at first, and then feel like an idiot later when he found out.
Call me baka but I don't get what's the plastic bag is for? Care to explain ?
Um, that was Kiichi being rude and silly about a colostomy bag. That would not really work of course, but Asami wouldn't know at first, and then feel like an idiot later when he found out.
Asami's facial expression must have been priceless xDDD
Thanks for the great belly laugh this morning.
You are a GODDESS!!!
Thank you so much for this!
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