Title: Drabble: Intoxication
Pairing: Asami x Akihito
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yamane-sensei, and I thank her for letting me play with them.
Notes: This was brought on by those amazing Weiss Kreuz writers of old. They always stir up something inside me.
Intoxication )
Comments 66
nb : if fei's the serpent, asami sure turns into a bull when embraced ? hey ! this is not WK, this is Fruit basket ! Mmwrreowr ! (yes, reading fruit basket now because you mentioned it. I actually love it - its unexpected- couldnt open the WK zip yet because i have licence issue with winzip that i will resolve this weekend because i m a self assured responsible girl and not bridget jones)
But yes, Furuba is unexpected, and unexpectedly grows darker and darker as it progresses. It is actually a classic because it's good! XD
Not WK, but this morning I read a drunken Yohji in one of the best sex scenes ever written and saw Akihito in there in a different way. For AxA it had nothing to do with the sex though but the love because that is what these two are refusing to admit.
(I started to write a real strip tease, but then thought how would an annoyed Aki really strip and I had to put that in there, knowing Asami would treasure that far more than any practiced striptease. Inside he was falling off the couch laughing his ass off. ;P)
Thank you Sunflower!!
Wonderful drabble.
I so needed it today!!
AND...so pleasant and so happy to see a new Sunflower story being created and shared with all of us.
A Happy Day and Surprise!!!
And an Asami that allows himself to be loved and to get love and to allow himself his Aki.
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