Title: Fever, movies and one nagging Umma
Pairing: 2Min
Rating and genre: PG / PG-13: fluff, humor(?)
Word count: 1477
Summary: Taemin's sick and Minho wants to make him feel better so he brings a pile of movies to the younger to watch so he won't die to loneliness. Consequences?
Taemin's POV
I was laying on my bed, trying to sleep but it was impossible. I had fever which didn't want to go away. Key had locked me up into my and Minho's shared room and told Minho to sleep on the couch so I was all alone.
I turned to my other side and coursed. My skin was really sensitive and my head felt like exploding in any moment if I didn't fall asleep now!
A silent knock was heard from the door. I was too tired to answer but I knew it was just Key who was checking I'm okay. I had no idea what time was 'cause I had been in bed the whole day without eating, though I wasn't hungry at all.
"Minnie, you're asleep?" I heard Minho's voice whispering. Why am I laying on my side, back facing the door? Do I really have to turn?! I turned my head, not opening my eyes but I heard Minho's chuckle. "I brought something to cheer you up a little."
Not I turned to face him totally and cracked my eyes open. He had one BIG pile of DVDs with him and he smiled like it had been a huge relief that I was awake so he didn't carry them all the way from living room for nothing. And the living room was right next to our room. I could see the couch from my bed.
"Mmh... I haven't slept for two hours." I muddered. It was just a guess but at least it felt like two hours.
"You want to watch some movies?"
"Idiot. I'll prefer watching movies that just laying here useless."
He laughed and came fully to the room, closing the door carefully so Key didn't hear. Their umma wouldn't let them be in the same room in a fear that Minho would get sick too. But Minho had such a great health, he was never sick so how could he get the fever now?
Minho's POV
I walked over to Taemin and put the DVDs on his bed. He sat up to take a look of the movies I brought. There were everything from horror to romance and comedies.
"You even brought Titanic? I'm not that sick!" He laughed a little but kept on checking the videos. Finally he gave me one of the romantic comedies and told me to put it rolling.
"This one? Are you sure?" I teased but opened my laptop and put the disc in. It was then when I realized that if we're going to watch the movie from my laptop, I must be sitting next to him. Oh god if Key storms in now! I placed the computer on the bed where Taemin made more space for me to sit next to him.
The movie was rolling. During the first scenes we were both laughing and I had to silence Taemin a little with a pillow which I hit on him. Well, I should have know that it didn't stop him from laughing.
Now the movie was in the end. The couple from the movie was laying on their bed when the woman suddenly switched her position and laid her head on the male's bare chest, saying she loves him.
"Minho-ah, what time is it now?" Taemin asked me when -The End- came to the screen. I was stunned by the question but then looked at the clock from the computer: 00:19am.
"It's past midnight. Why?"
"You have schedule tomorrow!" He hissed. I know he hated to be the baby of our group and he didn't like to be a burden for any of the SHINee members.
I laughed and ruffled his hair. "I don't. I can be here all night, keeping you some company."
He pouted a little but before he answered, a yawn surprised him and I could see the tiredness in his eyes, though he captured it from me pretty well. He knew that I was maybe a little too protective when it came to his health. "You can keep me company if Umma doesn't come to see me. You know he's gonna kill you if he finds you here."
Taemin's POV
I yawned again.
"You should try to sleep. I'll shut the lights." He said and rose from the bed. Soon the room was dark and I pulled the blanket over my head, moving to the place Minho just left.
"Hmh?" Oh, he's probably in his bed already.
"Can you sleep next to me? I'm cold."
He didn't answer but the noise of his sheets told me enough. "Make some space Minnie. I can't sleep if I'm close to falling to the floor." He whispered. I rolled on my other side, closer to the wall so there was more space where Minho laid. The warmness was so tempting, I couldn't help myself but snuggled on his chest. I felt his hand in my hair, petting me gently.
"Thank you Minho." I whispered.
"For what?"
"That you are here. That I don't have to be alone again."
"It was all Key's fault." He laughed. But the answer I gave was a silent hum. I was too tired to say anything and soon fell asleep.
The sun shone right to my eyes in the morning when I woke up. Minho wasn't in the room.
"I guess Key found him and dragged out..." I muddered to myself and sat up, rubbing the sleepiness off of my eyes.
"Taemin-ah, how you feel?" Onew suddenly asked from the door and scared the crap out of me.
"I-I'm better." I paused and wondered my condition for a while. "Actually, I don't feel myself sick at all anymore."
He gave me his gorgeous smile. "Great! Come to breakfast." He turned around and left but in the next second he was back to the door, now with a serious expression. "You should take a distance to Key. He's furious because of the two of you." And he was off to the kitchen.
So he did find out about Minho's trip to here last night. I slide my light pink colored slippers on and walked to the living room.
"Morning." I smiled to Jonghyun, who was reading the morning's paper on the couch. He just rose his head a little and gave me his evil smile.
"You two had fun last night?"
"What? Why does everybody comment about that?" Okay, this is getting a little weird: First Onew tells me to keep a distance to the umma who's furious about Minho's little visit. And now Jonghyun?
"You don't know why you don't see Minho or Key around?" He asked evilly. Indeed, why I didn't see them around? Usually they are the first people I say something in the morning.
"Where are they?" I tilted my head to the side and looked at my hyung. He didn't answer but looked somewhere behind my back so I turned around to see Key standing really close to me. And I can tell you, he really was furious.
"What on earth did you think you were doing last night?! You were sick and let Minho to sleep next to you!?" I knew already it wasn't helping to say that Minho was the first who came into the room so I kept my mouth shut and lowered my head.
"Are you happy now when you're feeling well and Minho is in the bed?!" He yelled. Shit! Is he sick now?!
"Don't say anything, go to eat." He ordered. And I couldn't do anything but to just do what he said.
I arrived to the kitchen and got a compassionate glance from our leader as I sat to the seat before him.
"Is he really sick?" I asked. The elder just nodded and took a sip from his coffee.
"What did you exactly do in your room last night? He hasn't been sick in over a year." Jonghyun asked when he came to the kitchen and put his cup to the sink.
"We watched a movie. Don't think we did anything like you would do, you perv!" I snapped at him and got a smack to my arm.
"Respect your hyungs!" He laughed and stole my sandwich.
"HEY!" I yelled and tried to take it back. Onew just laughed to us and left the room.
"YA! TAEMIN, JONGHYUN. SHUT THE FUCK UP! HERE'S A SICK PERSON WHO'S TRYING TO SLEEP!" Key shouted to us, voice cold and anger was clearly heard. I couldn't help it but giggled. It's gonna be fun tomorrow when he finds out that I slept in the same room as Minho. There's no way I will be sleeping on the couch!
Jonghyun looked at me with suspicious look. I guess he knew my plans already. "Just don't get sick anymore. Key is driving me crazy with that attitude!"
A/N: My first SHINee fic!
I hope it was good enough so you read it till the end... :'D
And comments are loved as they always are^^