Title: Dark Side of the Moon
Pairing: Donghae/Hyukjae
Rating: NC-17 for violence
Warnings: violence, language
Summary: What would you do if you found out your loved one was kidnapped and the kidnapper wanted you. You wouldn’t just sit in your apartment waiting for the police to do everything, no. And neither does Donghae.
The Dark Side of the Moon )
Comments 4
(jee evil sungmin!!)
Pakko myöntää, mie oikeesti tykkään tästä ficistä!! :DD Varmaan eka oma fic minkä oon lukenu 5 kertaa läpi.... kkk~
Kiva että sieki tykkäsit!! And thanks for commenting!! ^^
and the whole drama!!!
loved this
I'm REALLY glad you liked it :DD I must admit this is my favorite fic that I've written so far^^
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