viked from Bronwyn and Savvy.
Google image search the following:
1. The age you will be on your next birthday.
2. The place you live.
3. Your favorite color.
4. The place you want to get married.
5. Your first love.
6. Your favorite fruit or vegetable.
7. Your favorite animal.
8. The last name of your favorite actor or actress.
9. The name of a pet.
10. Your favorite song.
11. A bad habit of yours.
12. Your middle name.
I'll be 24 next January.
Rather self-explanatory.
The only thing cooler than the color green is green icebergs.
Also self-explanatory, and a pretty nifty piccie. I'd love to get married down at Seelie.
My first love. Shutup shutup shutup.
My favorite veggie. I am so Irish.
I wuv hawggies.
Come to mommie, Gael....
I love his growly voice.
*Nods firmly*
I don't think this is a relative, but hey! Pretty cool!