TINA: What does yunjae represent to you?
KITTY: True friendship and love
TINA: Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
KITTY: Cause their cute together
TINA: Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?
(Ex: affair, Incest, homewrecker)
KITTY: well it’s all fiction and if the story is done tastefully then you can pretty much read almost about things with those two.
TINA: Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
KITTY: Happy for him~
TINA: Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
KITTY: Happy for whoever gets married and glad they found someone to love and who can support them in their crazy jobs. I think the celebs should not have to hide their relationships and that fans should mind their own business.
TINA: How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
KITTY: 50/50, I do think they care about each other and do things that show each other how much they care for one another but I do think some were just for fan service.
TINA: Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
KITTY: nope, I think he might be Bi though
TINA: When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
KITTY: say congrats
TINA: Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
KITTY: only when he dances lol
TINA: Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
KITTY: Friends yes, I don’t think they can be mad at each other for long and a really strong friendship would be worth fighting for I think in their minds. Having real and good friends in the public eye is always good to help keep someone sane.
TINA: I heard Jaejoong songNine is for Yunho even though he denied it?
What do you think?
KITTY: If he said it’s not then it’s not, I want to believe in what he say.
TINA: What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
KITTY: I think it’s just cute and I have fun writing about them so why not? lol
TINA: your future plans for fanfics?
KITTY: As of right now it’s just to wrap up all the current ones I have then to take a break.
TINA: Thoughts on homosexuality?
KITTY: It’s normal
TINA: What do you think of people who think homo sexuality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
KITTY: I think they are the ones with a disease called Ignorant.
TINA:What do you think we should do to make the world accept homosexuality?
KITTY: If I knew that I would have told people about that, but the first step would be having an open mind.
TINA: in the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
KITTY: Say okay and hug them, I will also tell them that they can always tell me anything I will try my best to help and understand their choices.
TINA: Pride or love?
TINA: Love to me is…………
KITTY: a mystery
TINA: do you believe in love at first sight?
TINA: what are your views on yoochun scandal?
KITTY: Well first, some people might not like my answer but, tough. I waited until more info on the case became public but even then I saved all final judgement until later. I was torn when I first heard the news but I believe in innocent until proven guilty. It was sickening to see so much mob mentality and people just attacking him straight up even before the case started fully. If he was proven to actually have attacked these women then I would stop supporting him, and only him. I would stop watching his dramas, and get rid of his posters from my room. Although when those stupid bandwagon girls started hopping on to get money out of him, I was on his side. I think the minute a so called victim started asking for money, She loses any credibility to me cause in my mind it was all about getting money from him. Also people need to start learning that sometimes the women freaking lie! I have seen cases were women accused innocent strangers of attacking them and having them get thrown into jail, only for years later it gets proven she lied for money, attention or because she was bored. These are REAL CASES of the women lying, so I always wait for facts before straight out witch hunting someone. I glad the case if somewhat over, his career is majorly hurt though and that is thanks to people witch hunting him. He has my support and this is MY OPINION
TINA: since junsu has been in a relation with a girl has yoosu ship sunk?
KITTY: no lol
TINA: I have read somewhere that Jae and chun are looking more like lovers than friends..what do you think?
KITTY: hmm I haven’t heard that lol but to me it doesn’t really mean anything, I think their close and are soulmates but people need to know and learn that a soulmate isn’t always a lover, it’s someone really close to you and important to you.
TINA: are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
KITTY: ha! No, cause people ship whatever and whoever they want for a bunch of reasons, hell I will tell you something that actually happened to me about OTP’s, at work I have male friend that I’m kind of close with, we like working together and both he and I have no interest in dating each other, but other coworkers want us to date cause they think we look cute together, one even said we were her otp, so no people do not delude themselves lol
TINA: I have heard Asian think westerns are ugly?
KITTY: and I have heard some Asians are ugly, point? Lol every race has good looking and bad looking people.
TINA: Asian gives importance to skin color. dark skin is big no no to Asians? Do you think it is ok to think like that?
KITTY: No, people I think changing someone mind set on skin color will take many years to change.
TINA: How Important is skin color to you?
KITTY: none
TINA: Opinions on plastic surgery?
KITTY: If it’s not hurting anyone or themselves and it’s something to make the person feel better about themselves then I’m fine with it.
TINA: do you think jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
KITTY: Nope lol I’m going to blunt but come on, he still has the same weird face since he was younger lol I just think he grew into his face and learned how to style his hair right so it fit his head shape better. We all go through that, heck when I look back at some old photos of myself and compare them to now, I’d think I look waaaaaaaaay better then before. Growing up does indeed change you, people need to learn that.
TINA: What do you think of Siwon from super junior’s statement when he said in a radio interview..”I don’t mind dating western girls but marry an Asian girl my mom approves off?
KITTY: One: like a hot western girl that isn’t a gold digger would go out with someone with that mind set and two: He can do whatever his mom tells him to do cause that’s the way he was raised but frankly speaking I was never a fan of his and what he does with his life is all up to him.
TINA: Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
KITTY: I don’t think we should be obsessed per say, but if we want to support our fav idols, actors/actress/group and or artist then so be it but I think some people forget to not get too invested into someone cause not everything stay the same. Over time they spilt or retire, so enjoy supporting them but I really think some people should learn to spilt life from entertainment, but for others that might be their whole life at the moment. I guess everyone wants something in their life even if it’s a pop star.