CLAMPAIGNIf you join, refer me please!
★ player
name: lex
card count: 216
trades (by card): 52
collecting: mclovergingetsu, mmiyukimiyuki
log post ]
★ mastered
none yet
★ collecting
❝GINGETSU❞ ⇒ 07/16
❝MIYUKI❞ ⇒ 07/16
★ future
priority → mwishhariruri, mwishkohaku, mwishkoryu, mcloversu, acganya, mdrugkazahaya, mdrugrikuou, mwishhisui, mwishkokuyo, mcloverkazuhiko, mcloveroruha, mwishsyuichiro, mccskero, accsmeiling, mccstomoyo, mccssakura, mccssyaoran, mccsrubymoon, mccsyukito, xmbishoujo
★ far future
priority → acgcornelia, acgjeremiah14, mccsnakuru, acgtianzi08, mccsrika, mccskaho, mccssuppi, mmkrmokona, mtrcfay, mtrckurogane, mccsclowreed, mccsnaoko, mccseriol, mccsyamazaki
★ trading
★ student ids
★ extras
x 10
★ paperwork
for mwishkohaku07/15, mwishhisui02, acgjeremiah02 - shert
trading terms
currently collecting → not for trade
future → may trade for current or other future cards, just ask
far future → may trade for current or higher priority future cards, just ask
tradeable → will trade for anything! if you're unsure what to offer, just leave me a link to your post.
how to contact me!
one. leave a comment here, either with an LJ, using
OpenID, or anonymously (make sure to leave your name/post in the comment)
two. reply to my post
here at the forum
three. email me @ carpe.piscem [at] gmail [dot] com