[anime lj tcg] logs part two

Jul 04, 2009 00:16

Activity logs for anime_lj_tcg.

aozora01, edge03, blondie17, boots01, hell15, jupiter16, krita01, luminol02, marleen07, nog11, potion14, raid20, scarf11, swarm10, 3 bronze, 6 stars - level up

my hanaji05 for bio12, mirror01 - flipfloppies
my lilith16, range12, ume18 for stoic01, shallow05, whip15 - ratiosu
my altosk12, erase11, haori05, ideals06/19, jashin08, kritya08, steppe16/18 for anchor10, bring16, captain11, insure14, mascot05, ops10, owls17, rose12, stun05 - zelos22
my chimera09, ginryuu06, jet10, jet12, kappa09, oracle17 for maxter20, codec02, boar20, broom08, cake10, loka07 - hughes_maes
my jian19 for run15 - megchan87
my mushi05/17, raid04/06, shrimp04, major08/12, navi01, repeat06, snipe01/18/20, think03/05, confide03, arm03, chakra18, copy07, flower01/20, ship03, shout01, sadist11 for brave01, cairo05, crest03, design04, devil08, doctor06, easy20, fox04, fund05, hyper03, invent13, kendo16, kyoto14, land16, mascot20, nobody14, scent16, sea02, shell16, viera08, sakura06 - vaclavclaus
my clank15, octi14/16, shaky14, vain20, moon09, densetsu07 for dranzer15, hana08, ops05, scent09, surge02/08/15, viera07 - chikky2k5
my box05/19, convict02, cruxis07/10, igtenos05, ninja16, hani08, hono19, kinka12/16, prodigy07/09, ruins09, sanity10/13, scroll15, select06 for aspis05, cairo08, dealer01, knight03, land05, model17, panic17, paradise14, phones06/07, quick04, send08/13, sleuth10, shinra12, yokai17, catch03 - nyarmar
my spain05 for whip20 - dara_rocks
my mix01, modify20, scruffy17, spear02, jap08 for extra05/18, mercury10, roger13, scent05, seige07 - stopping
my design01/13 for jump06, roger19 - golden_bastet
military13, skip19 - Freebie 57
beam03, gear15, novel04 - Credit 32
ogata13, pedo03, perfect04 - Analogies 33
dhampir06, digma14, empire17, gears04, navy17, pizza03, skill13 - Scrambler 64

my icarus04, tux03 for greave16/17 - kasijjille
my blondie01 for taozi17 - golden_bastet
my riko16 for gorby13 - arc_kun
my crest07, devote20 for taozi01, maxter02 - angel_of_faith
my formula17 for hana11 - lucathia_rykatu
my danger12 for city12 - popcandy
my adam01, vassal01 for ops14, terra12 - stopping
my summer10 for chobu20 - rokeru
my cabbage16 for terra16 - nyarmar
my lunar16, puppet11, thunder13 for indiana17, gay09, gorby14 - tsukiko_chan_00
formula17, summer10, adam01, vassal01, tux03, icarus04, cabbage16, blondie01, riko16, yari14, crest07, danger12, bowl05, lore07, pester03, codec20 - news post
bokusatsu09, hood18, owls08, pride08, pup02, rebuilt17, shaky14, shop01, sir19, teeth05, thrut10 - Seiyuu Guess 97
condor20, nerv03, saiyan03, trap08 - Seiyuu Guess 101
eyes09, prism05, orphan17 - Eye Spy 113
chobu06, suppi17, bronze - Guess the OP 57
admin19, boast05, bother20, chores09, edel12, exia12, gun16, medal05, ryuu14, spear02, 2 stars - Scrambler 61
common14, demon06, garan08, libra07, roast10, scub13, storm03, strahl14 - Scrambler 62
greed11, marks10 - Freebie 53
kid03, knight13, lawyer14 - Freebie 54
aniki15, temper19, thunder16 - Freebie 55
amnesia12, enka14, lilith16 - Credit 30
00205, see01, bronze - Eye Spy 114
goat04, ryocho09 - Freebie 56
delta01, flashy18, miracle20, mushi05, quick12, rank13, savior07, two17, vomit07, yuri02, 2 stars - Scrambler 63
2k13, eko04, thief15 - Guess Who 32
blame07, cosmo08, bronze - Distorted 102
bolt09, pair12, secure05, bronze - Guess the Mecha 13
banten14, peace18, soda03, sub03 - Guess the Game 112
bank16, boxes09 - Analogies 32
clover06, range12, teddy10 - Credit 31
ensui19, harbor15, ouka08, bronze - Distorted 100
bokun06, bowl11, work10 - Anime Trivia 109
flat11, magus04, slack06, spain05, welsh05 - Anime Trivia 111
ginryuu01, invoke03, tilt03 - Guess the Manga 109

my ash10 for america06/19 - ratiosu
1 bronze for bee02 - cert exchange
enkidu04/05/09/16, haiku04/06/08, arch12, badge06, blind17, cards03, care05, cocoa11, cover14, erase11, eres08, familiar16, gay14, hell05, last12, mongrel13, rosa09, silky13, tan09, think03, track05, trias09, zen11, 7 stars - mastering bee, excess, stiff, ctarl, enkidu, court, pal

my lord09/13 for hat01, whip01 - 00zags
cheek01, gorilla17, tempt19 - Guess the Mangaka 57

5 silver, 30 bronze for bee04/07/10/12/13/16/20, stiff02/06/09/11/12/16/17/19, excess03/04/05, ctarl02/04/08/09/16, court04/07/08/11/12/16/17/19, pal02/03/04/05/06/08/09/12/13 - cert exchange

blue07, colt03, modify20, seals06 - Guess the Anime 110
auriga13, indiana05, lies09, plushie17, sadist11, torture04, bronze - Guess the Character ?
a16, bar06, mushi11, sinner08, bronze - Eye Spy 104
zenon16, hanyou03, find14, deal13, bronze - Spot the Difference 75
clever15, peanut10, field15 - Guess the Game 106
medusa08, alaws08, animate14, focke07, ki01, lord13, kritya08, lulim07, lunar16 - Scrambler 59
temper07, jian19, deal05, chef02 - Scrambler 60
madlax09, mage02 - Freebie 52
excess12 - thanksgiving gift

my calm02 for eins14 - forthefluff
my mikheil10, zehel14 for crash08, viera13 - chianna
altosk12, ramen12, suicide15, bronze - Guess the Mascot 54
beam19, eden06, lead01, trash07 - Seiyuu Guess 95
jap08, peach09, ume18 - Seiyuu Guess 96

my cat18 for loka18 - zelos22
my bring20, cake19, flight13, gadoria05, mine17, seige16 for dot19, blue03, kitten15, red16, nyo05/18, pyo14 - akkhima
my savior01, cherub08, cow02/19, nittle06/15/16, sheep02 for city09, fan02, whip11, willow19, box05/19 - keylimekitten
my corrupt06, mary06, mithril18, trauma01 for america12, chobu14, russia04 - ratiosu
my kaze19, lion04 for pudding08, willow16 - chikky2k5
my chess10, freeze07 for pal20 - moot
my council02, sharp15 for medic13, sheriff12 - miss_yuka
my direct05, hornet13 for ctarl14 - qwertysaur
my master07, parapara07 for dranzer12, jurai12, range01 - nyarmar
my hack07, shrimp17 for gorby13, loka11 - etuxdraconis
oracle17, design13, realm06, bronze - Scenic Route 25
fiend06, dame06, ame15 - Analogies 26
design02, ball02, bronze - Eye Spy 108

my england18, gami11 for jurai16, surge06 - stopping
my guilt07, heaven06/08/20, tea02/13 for court06, haiku19, greave05, fool08/16, chobu12 - kasijjille
arcade14, armee10, hydra10, mochi11, bronze - Scenic Route 24
dv10, boss07, nipa01, savior01 - Seiyuu Guess 92
scar17, aesir16, backup06, being12, boar13, feist13, gore01, mikheil10, walnut15, yellow14, 2 stars - Scrambler 55
ash10, binge12, bust19, cogito02, freeze07, gofer06, mix01, reap07, writer10, 2 stars - Scrambler 56
comipa12, grace09, honor02, hood19, lynx12, orb18, pro05, sonic05, thought18, victory06, 2 stars - Scrambler 57
00309, brave05, scruffy17, star01 - Scrambler 58

my savior05 for jump05 - keylimekitten
my fallen18, igura17 for train12, seige13 - isamunee
my saber06 for america03 - soundless_room
fast05, x04 - Credit 22
sen19, legacy20, miroku17 - Guess the Game 103
draciel11, hospital19, mascto10, mushi17, oha15, zehel14 - Happy Birthday 109
bring04, check19, rosa11, solve05 - Seiyuu Guess 90
megumeru07, moe03 - Guess Who 23
hanaji05 - Anime Trivia 95
addict19, marry08, towel11, world16, zenon07, bronze - Anime Trivia 96/97

my prim17, contest11, bara09, brute20 for pe16, run18, son08, willow12 - sanggre_habagat

my cleric15, debut12, dot08/20, ki19, kyudo18, obvious18, pleiades03, trance07/16, design14, knight15 for bokken11, break17, crash11/19, flight08, hana09, jump15, relares15, roger17, run11, haiku10, city04 - popcandy
my iron02, tall08 for hana04, train08 - ucathia_rykatu
my crusnik17, despair13 for chobu06, owls15 - frickbiscuits
my ciao03, cloud03, enigma02, liar12 for terra15, mercury16, ohmu20, wolf02 - 00zags
my shroom09 for bee14 - justgo_away
my tiger13 for flight15 - keylimekitten
my euri02 for hana12 - arc_kun
my ninja12 for bokken15 - nyarmar
my stoic09, aijo03 for chobu02, greave14 - angel_of_faith
my ruins12 for court13 - golden_bastet
my hammer19 for owls18 - indirect
simple05, acedia01, gami11 - Guess Who 18
silky02, nyoro03 - Analogies 18
breath18, bust17, selece10 - Anime Trivia 92
break03, sheng14, breast20, goetia07, ring17, bronze - Guess the Anime 100
aozora06, object10 - Guess the Character 101 (?)
adai18, select06 - Credit 20
apport11, change03, nodachi09, plutone06, bronze - Scenic Route 20
stick10, swim05, bronze - Spot the Difference 73
chozo07, stun19, bronze - Spot the Difference 71
rooster20, lunch17, boo03 - Guess the Game 99
toushi06, mirror07, mage07, calm02, bronze - Scenic Route 21
facade09, tenshi07 - Analogies 21
rescue04/07/12/14/15/19, haiku02, terra15, soccer04, smile16, smart07, oyabun08, orbis17, lunch19, ishbal03, fake13, dual10, dot19, blast14, bancho14, makai09, 7 stars - mastering kronos, uranus, rescue, plushie, respect, gravity, adult!

my bake13, cygnus13/16, raw20, virgo10 for b01/15, fool04/06, mirror05, russia07 - death_the_kid
my mikheil07 for taozi08 - chianna
my doctor09 for chobu10 - the_betrayer

my future09 for gorby04 - stopping
ejus02, mercury05, ninja16, stealth09 - Seiyuu Guess 83
england18, cram14, tamago12 - Guess the Mangaka 50

my king15, pizza04 for aozora12 - tsukiko_chan_00
my chibi19, extra11, mars06, pluto05 for piglet06, chobu05, train10/19 - kasijjille
my date01/04, pizza12, thunder10, zen04 for cook16/20, edge17, flight17, hyper15 - chikky2k5
2 bronze for maxter16, greave01 - isamunee
kappa09, ran16, silent02, sword09, urchin05 for emotion06/20, okami13, paradise20, piglet08 - chibiyaoichan

my crypton05, drill09, mage05/10, master08, nyoro01/08/11, sandals18, auto18 for city17, dranzer18, extra04, gay12, mirror10, owls19, roger05/15, undine14, america04 - kirkland
my butler16, lilith17, mafia18, mary12 for chobu03, hana07, owls11, taozi11 - ratiosu
my japan04, pro09 for city13, range15 - chifred
my prodigy01 for sen05 - qwertysaur
gorby17, goal01 - Analogies 16
20 bronze for plushie18, kronos01/03/04/06, respect02/10/13/16/17, uranus06/07/11/13, adult01/05/08/12/19/20 - cert exchange

my arco03, pride19, ribbon02, dearest09 for cook08, crash02/16, PE03, raven08, undine05 - accountingwitch
my human05, mate01, peep04 for japan04, ki19, saiyan20 - qwertysaur
my ballet04/19 for chibi19, deity11 - forthefluff
my hope19 for flight04 - shyguygoneawry
my war15 for piglet11 - playingmyrole
coma11, cynic14 - Credit 15
reap14, crazy18 - Analogies 15
alaws05, blue03, exile04, heil02, trance07, bronze - Happy Birthday 99 & 100

my kick18 for emotion09 - 00zags
my amita19, cheat17, throne01 for kronos15, edge16, crash15 - lucathia_rykatu
my pink10, flower12, shroom01 for aozora15, scent08 - justgo_away
my mentor05/10 for cool06, mirror06 - saruzake
my cocoa03, cover07, sweep07, book15 for undine13, master08, yokai10 - first_quadrant
my girl02, hipgig09 for plushie14, piglet03 - chianna
critic01, flashy05, hammer19, manage18, solar14, crypton05, hana20, fuso12, mobile02, bronze - Guess the Character 95, 96, 97
excess01, class08, duty14, iron02, obaka12, bronze, 2 stars - level up

my mirror11 for terra10 - technophile
my cabbit05, hood10, makai17, malibu05, mary05, flower14, ace-swords for aspis04, mercury06, police16, range12, surge14, roger08, roger11, whip16 - kikai7
my geko10 for maxter10 - heavensealed
my soda08 for pe06 - indirect
my bureau02 for flight20 - stopping
my rubber12, three18 for roger02/06 - 00zags
my rely20, melee16 for driger17, kronos14 - replica
cover07, mary06, sturm19, movin09, gen19, gravity13/14/15, bronze, 4 stars - mastering maru, hood, mirai
malice15, loka15, height10, goose16, 66614, sick05, heaven06 - Scrambler 52
rhyme07, king15, sandals18, cheagle11, cycle01, cower15, drill09, despair13, heir05, 2 stars - Scrambler 53
genius11, chakra18, bancho17, bouton03, jashin08 - Scrambler 54
flush01 - Matching 51
enigma02, war03, guilt07 - Guess the Game 97
tease12, coin16, kick18 - Guess the Manga 93
flush07, resolve14 - Freebie 49
strip17, peep04 - Freebie 50
igura17, wander08 - Freebie 51
trance16, nurse12, bronze - Eye Spy 101
brute20, warm01 - Analogies 14
class15, girl02, pedo19 - Anime Trivia 89
auto18, emotion11, bronze - Distorted 79
piglet07, 9914, ark12, bronze - Guess the Mangaka 49

my clow maze, usercard for flight14, hana16, owls14 - isamunee
my absurd12 for cook19 - sammywhatammy
my oblige19 for maxter19 - voxune
think05, jail12 - Analogies 13

MI6-13, Modify10, Eres15, Billy05, Kweh13, Oblige19, Veda12, Being02, Friends01, Union10, Dalu06, Tomboy03, Geko10, Maxter08, Fool05, Greave10, Chobu04, Taozi14, Gravity04/20 - anniversary news post
my mi613 for maxter13 - stopping
my modify10 for piglet14 - kirkland
my eres15 for maxter15 - firstwarmth
my billy05 for maxter01, greave20 - politicologic
my kweh13 for court18 - chibiyaoichan
my veda12 for maxter12 - chimyde
my dalu06 for maxter06 - saruzake
my tomboy03 for maxter03 - 00zags
my mine12/15, rose20, yuki19, usercard for mark06, plushie09, range07, sen11, usercard - qwertysaur
my ditz09 for bokken18 - spurnedambition
my score19, common02 for pal14, bio17 - shyguygoneawry
my hound10 for aspis06 - nnoilalala
my egypt05, hachi03 for excess19, edge15 - spiralheaven
my acedia02 for train05 - sinnesspiel
my king06 for plushie13 - rokeru
my shiro11 for crash03 - chuukoku
geta11, onee05 - Credit 11
ginryuu06, brazo12 - Analogies 11
ballet19, igtenos05, bronze - Eye Spy 99
hipgig09, shroom09, circus19 - Guess the Character 98
mate01, slack11 - Analogies 12
tekoku01, slave12, bureau02, war15, zaft10, malibu05, bronze - Scenic Route 12

my hawk07/17, panzer18/20 for attire18, council02, knight15 - frickbiscuits
hood05, atlas15, north07, clow maze, bronze, 2 stars - leveling up
5 bronze, 1 gold for mirai05, hood07, maru02/10/11/15 - cert exchange
pink04, explode07 - Analogies 10

my feist03, jack16, poison19, puzzle05, zehel04 for city01/16/20, precise01/11 - chifred
my onee13 for excess10 - death_the_kid
my kenro09 for city18 - angel_of_faith
my insight13 for hood11 - kasijjille
my marry04 for sister13 - 00zags
kyudo18, puns13, bronze - BBS 44
nittle06, ring09, bronze - Spot the Difference 67
bake13, yuki19, inch16 - Anime Trivia 86
3rd11, hono19, bronze - Distorted 75

my oto09 for gravity19 - forthefluff
my time05 for boar02 - 00zags
my pain09 for edge02 - stopping
my kick11 for court02 - thumbs
my boar10 for extra09 - card pot 46
aozora03, bronze - Eye Spy 92
gems11, kuzuar16, bronze - Spot the Difference 68

my 141205 for bee05 - kasijjille
my katana20 for ctarl06 - playingmyrole
rapt15, genki07, simple17, bronze - Distorted 63
tail02, mentor05, vassal14 - Anime Trivia 79
heart10, hornet13, pizza12 - Guess the Character 93
chao10, arco03, bronze - Eye Spy 93
hyper07, hammer05 - Analogies 07
dance03, trauma01, lone15 - Guess the Game 92
holie14, lion04, arm03 - Guess the Game 93
nymph18, raid06, zero04 - Matching 50
account02, bitter12 - Freebie 47
flower20, lies05 - Freebie 48
erotic14, acedia02, tenshi04, bird10, excel11, sketch17, madlax10 - Scrambler 51

my shield11, inept08 for hood14, russia15 - shyguygoneawry
my embryo11, tuatha06 for maru18, russia17 - cloudxsora
my book02, land17, nymph09/14 for fan20, gravity16, piglet17, sheng03 - qwertysaur
my charity09 for piglet1 - forthefluff
my menos09 for rescue02 - stopping

my rail07, wife05 for piglet10, pal07 - engwand
my wrench06, gitane08, shinra04, switch07 for mirai08, uranus12/17 - sinnesspiel
my cold09, foul09, rifle05 for ctarl03, piglet19, okami17 - kasijjille
my drill05, yare18 for lord07/09 - 00zags
coup06, clear04 - Analogies 05
feist03, breed11, bronze - BBS 42

my abroad02, cigar05, job08, flame12, gif13 for america16/18, court01, paradise05, city14, russia13 - kasijjille
my kyrios18 ,oha03, onigiri10, rose07, sharp18 for gay03, pal17, enkidu08, b16/19 - meganekkos
mirai06, ideals06, theend11, rune17 - tsunderes's bday
yoru05, etoile11, prodigy07 - Guess the Character 91
vigor08, cherub08, wrench06 - Guess the Manga 84
reality02, pious17, ran16, menos09, rifle05, snow01, steppe16, 66905, lies02 - Scrambler 50
fallen18, mars06, teddy03, grudge02 - Guess the Anime 89
steal04, achtung20, igtenos08, inch06, shana17 - Spot the Difference 64

my attend08 for loyal07 - kuzco
my critic20 for pudding15 - gravity_xx
my collar13, legend10, piglet04, void11 for break07, ctarl18, extra14, mine05 - stopping
my archer11/17, arco16 for maru07/13, hana02 - accountingwitch
my kitten06 for shenju11 - chianna
my sun tarot for cake08, hana17 - 00zags
duchess04, otaku02, charity09, bronze - Pick a Card 79
annwn18, major12, nun04, bronze - Pick a Card 80
sculpt08, plumb03 - Analogies 03
sheer17, cop07, coup20 - Scavenger Hunt 72
deity19, convict02, bronze - Distorted! 69
b11, humane02, indie16, kaze19 - Guess the Anime 90
clever15, budget18 - Analogies 04
snipe01, rail07, master07, boxes11, secret20, fire13, hat20, debut12, hood02/04, 2 bronze, 4 stars - leveling up

my larvae18 for city15 - modern_prufrock
my antic17 for kronos10 - chibiyaoichan
my bronze for haiku15 - 0x
my crest03 for russia12 - greyrook_22
my pride12 for city10 - saruzake
critic20, flower14, fruit08 - Guess the Manga 68
basset12 - Freebie 42
legend10, tilt03 - Freebie 43
insight13, mentor04 - Freebie 44
magic07, ballet04 - Freebie 44...again
brittania05, sen10, cygnus16, eden16, void11, check14 - Scrambler 47
shallow09, onee13, mask16 - Guess the Character 86
kasshin14, magic13, cocoa17 - Guess the Mangaka 41
russia19, zenon19, bronze - Eye Spy 87
military04, bronze - Eye Spy 88
arco16, shell18, honey18, octi14, bronze - Spot the Difference 61
steam08, copy07, kojirou07, job08 - Seiyuu Guess 67
think16, tea13, egypt05, bronze - Scavenger Hunt 68
ruins12, caeli02, bronze - BBS 39
toaster16/19, america01/10, 4 stars, nun08, city05, prodigy09, south10, lulim08, sun tarot, wife05 - mastering agent, rapt, seong, toaster
bronze - Anime Trivia 75/76
ribbon02 - Analogies 01
archer17, morgan07, poison19 - Happy Birthday 93
book15, monkey15, akuma15 - Happy Birthday 94
urchin18, yaka20, fake09 - Happy Birthday 95
doctor01, nun15, bronze - Spot the Difference 63
pleiades03, bk20106, stalk20 - Anime Trivia 77
ninja12, attend08, direct05 - Guess the Game 85
haiku03, major08, collar13 - Guess the Manga 81
ganguro19, nyoro01, bronze - BBS 41
design14, score19, red16, kitten06, aijo03, nobody16, piglet04, bath17, cheer02 - Scrambler 48
stoic17, maru16, switch07, kitten15, clover20, agent13, agar11, bar13 - Scrambler 49
chimera09, psalms16 - Freebie 45
ace of swords tarot - Freebie 46
boar05/10, court14, owls01/02/03/04/05 - graveyard

my skull17 for rapt14 - lilikoifish
my cold02 for haiku20 - linananda
my germany17 for piglet13 - rokeru
my ocd02, goatee12 for plushie08, hood16 - chianna
my tristan12 for piglet20 - heavensealed

haiku01, piglet02, russia03, mac05, tail07, saiyan06, france10, italy17, precise10, city11, crest03, germany17 - news post
my food11 for piglet04 - milo_reed
my france10 for city08 - nerrin
my italy17 for precise09 - relaxsama
my tail07, saiyan06 for haiku07, russia06 - akane_nara
my mac05 for haiku05 - stopping
my brash08/17 for maru17, hood09 - haruhara
axe06, gif13, bronze - Guess the Mascot 43
12 bronze, 1 silver for rapt01/07/10/13, agent04/09/13, seong03/05/13/14, mirai04 - cert exchange
cigar05, swarm02, cut02, bronze - Guess the Mascot 44
hound10, ceo02, mafia18, nymph13, tristan12, respect19, trick16 - Scrambler 45
skull17, repeat06, cgi13, lyre07, sensei15 - Scrambler 46
moon09, reality07, rubber12, bronze - Guess the Mecha 07
brain04, kaze09 - Freebie 41

my shades08 for uranus14 - chibiyaoichan
my coin03, kick15 for kronos19, plushie19 - stopping
my ango19, iron09, sweet17 for gravity18, boar18, seong18 - lucathia_rykatu

my 66618, blitz07/11, send15 for respect15, land17, surge11, tea02 - electrumicity
toaster15, mute04, lech07, abroad02, archer15, bronze - leveling up
light04, soul03, wolf11, warm07, invidia02, baby09, lovely11, asset09, easy19, tuatha06, date01, whip17, three18 - commenting on mastery posts before june
piano04, fuse11, mikheil07 - Guess the Character 84
shenju20, onigiri10, odango02 - Guess the Character 85
heaven08, reiki01, actions12, marry04 - Happy Birthday 92
cure03, agni17, bronze - Spot the Difference 59
akuma12, goatee12, bronze - Eye Spy 86
melee16, scroll15, bronze - Pick a Card 73
throne01, mentor10, ryuu20, bronze - Pick a Card 74
gold - Pick a Card 75

my cygnus11 for dranzer14 - kuzco
my gesso09, esper20, 8 bronze for ctarl20, rapt19, aspis02, broom19, cook13, fan15, hat17, jurai14, krita04/06, mine12/15, range11, river17, roger09, saito12, shenju02, stoic09 - death_the_kid
my 2 bronze for 1 gold - thumbs
my easy05 for range20 - haruhara
my orange11 for okami02 - nnoilalala
my amita15 for bio15 - cardpot
ideals19, makai17 - Distorted 61
ronin03, mail19, kyrios18, bronze - Anime Trivia 60
pisces10, shout01, yoko17, bronze - Anime Trivia 68
ocd02, sky04, sharp18, hachi10, truant09 - Anime Trivia 70/71/72
reap04, neophyte12 - Happy Birthday 90
tall08, idol07, goose05 - Happy Birthday 91
shinra04 - Deck Repairs 06
cleric15 - Deck Repairs 07
scar18, fuse08, bronze - Eye Spy 85
circus18, pyro07, bronze - Spot the Difference 55
prim04, bunny14, blitz07, brash08, silver - Spot the Difference 56/57
shield03, metal19, bronze - BBS 38
foul09, obvious18, pitch16, moe02 - Seiyuu Guess 63
pain09, pride12, leafe14, duchess04 - Seiyuu Guess 64
brash17, fetish12, sweets17, larvae18 - Guess the Anime 83
brittania09, urchin05 - Scavenger Hunt 67
chair18, fuga10, bugs02, tactic11, bronze - Guess the Mangaka 40
toaster11/12/13/14 - graveyard
court03, toaster17/18/20 - graveyard

my arrow07, cleaver09, mainyu16, boku09, and chozo18 for break16, driger07, edge14, plushie05, strahl20 - duo_aurion
my date10/14 for surge03, pal15 - sinnesspiel
my motor02 for rapt16 - butterskotch
my hound15, license03, isolate15, thrust02, bond14, steal11, agni20, major19, water14, duty18, flute12, tori08 for suomi14, crewe03, silver20, shroom03, fiance10, lunar05, body18, mage10, destroy11, cello19, raitei10, 2 bronze - qwertysaur's card rotation
my player03 for extra12 - caitirin

my marry11, resolve14 for aspis16, mark14 - qwertysaur
my cool03 for monkey19 - 00zags
my jack10 for rescue18 - lilikoifish
seong02, game12, proxy17, steppe18 - leveling up
replaced pig19, trap17, angra18 with updated versions

my goatee15, strip20 for pe18, extra10 - chianna
my lulim11 for rapt20 - chrysa
my faint08, memphis02, peck09, simple16, simple18, sakura04, bronze for boar03/08, extra15, laputa03, mine04/19, PE07/08/10 - haruhara
pyo14, military09, shy05, easy05 - Guess the Anime 81
kinka12, heaven20, bitter15 - Scavenger Hunt 66
gravity03/06/07/08/10/12, account01, imitate17, sturm11, future08, elite20, player03, casino19, kick15, poison14, doll14, select06, crow19 - masteries

my octava17 for seong15 - stopping
my chibi20, igura19, jupiter19, lonely20, south05, survive18, vayu01 for adult03, boar05, boar19, crash10, jurai08, jurai11, laputa18 - 0x
peck09, trace12, sagitta02 - Scavenger Hunt 65
camelot06, sea09, bronze - Distorted 58
fiend11, truant11, bronze - Distorted 59
patch17, sanc06, chess10, barrel15, cool03, amita15, bronze - Guess the Character 81
resolve14, me04, track19 - Guess the Character 82
prithivi16, faith04, goatee15 - Happy Birthday 87
torture12, chief13, ciao10 - Happy Birthday 88
shield11, smile05, faint08 - Happy Birthday 89
pray01, fetish01, bronze - Eye Spy 82
dearest09, bronze - Eye Spy 83
goat12 - Deck Repairs 04
sakura04 - Deck Repairs 05

my horn12 for loyal19 - orewagundamu
date10, pisces06, cruxis10, simple16 - Seiyuu Guess 61
13 bronze for bank09/15/18, bear13/14, boo13, eight02/03/08, lively01/04/05/08 - cert exchange

my sketch20 for loka08 - kasijjille
my border07, mentor20 for loka20, toaster06 - qwertysaur
zehel04 - Deck Repairs 03
future09, nyo05, kenro14 - Guess the Character 80
archer11, kick11, jack10, bronze - Pick a Card 69
bones07, scales06, bronze - Pick a Card 70
best07, gitane08, bronze - Pick a Card 72
stiff03 - Matching 43
euri02, pitch13, sheep02, black17, garan17, hero18, illegal17, cleaver19, mercury13 - Scrambler 44

my choke07, haze12 for boar06, son01 - freaked
my blade09 for shenju06 - huey
my jackal17, pirate01 for roger16, pe01 - haruhara
my ouroboros08, guise08, antic10, sweep15 for bear09/12 - exchange

my combat14 for bank19 - chill_shadow
my six of cupts for hyper04, toaster10 - golden_bastet
my guilt13, traitor17 for rescue06, boar10 - darkranger
my pride20 for maru19 - chikky2k5
my blue13, first14 for flight11, river08 - chianna
curse01, octava17, snipe20, silver - Seiyuu Guess 51
shy08, plushie12, vayu01 - Guess the Character 78
hachi03, pizza08, haze12 - Guess the Character 79
eggs11, uu18, simple18, pair17 - Happy Birthday 85
cheat17, stiff15, class14 - Happy Birthday 86
boo17, fence03, rich18, royal18 - leveling up
toaster05/07/08/09 - graveyard

my actor09, demon18, bar18 for driger13, jump18, kronos18 - death_the_kid
my elf11 for lively07 - kikai7
my bolt12 for rescue13 - stopping
my find02, find03 for extra03, surge09 - miss_stalker
blt16, absurd12, spice16, quick14 - Seiyuu Guess 57
ouroboros02, zen04, byronic01, pride20, chevalier06 - Scrambler 43
shiro11, yeshua02 - Freebie 39
marry11, mellow08 - Freebie 40
gesso09, pimp14, human05, bond17, silver - Guess the Mangaka 37
study17, traitor17, sky09, bear17 - Scavenger Hunt 64
ship03, border07, mentor20 - Anime Trivia 67
agent15, bio06, boo14/15, toaster01/02/03/04 - Graveyard

my pride05 for run01 - cookie_pixie
my usercard, music03 for lucathia's card, excess17 - lucathia_rykatu
my extreme03 for bokken08 - qc_heartless
hawk17, truth07, majin10, bronze - Spot the Difference 52
dearest09, bolt12 - Anime Trivia 66
yare18 - Deck Repairs 01

my mask04 for bee19 - zehphir1
my sake08, vain02 for agent08, bio02 - hughes_maes
parapara07, pizza04, support08 - Scavenger Hunt 63
memphis02, ciao03, esper20, heil08, silver - Spot the Difference 49/50
kappa09, liar12, embryo11 - Guess the Game 75
trumpet17, blue13, lulim11, reiv18, novel05, actor09, errand17, brag18 - Scrambler 42
antic17, sheng17, cold09 - Matching 41

my aniki02 for agent05 - duo_aurion
my usercard for celi's usercard - haruhara
strip20, fight07, bronze - Eye Spy 76
warm10, demon01, bronze - Eye Spy 77
cruxis07, akuma02, bronze - Eye Spy 78
survive03, mind11, body09 - Guess the Game 74
jump14, excess06, gangur06, bronze- Guess the Mecha 03
jack16, gold20, rank11, bronze - Guess the Mascot 40
hachi01, materia01, study14 - Happy Birthday 84

my sica05 for bear07 - ayasaki
my rain16, storm18 for mirai02 - purinusesu
my disillusion01, fukai08, theend17, medea20 for bear03/05 - card exchange
silver - Pick a Card 67
prodigy01, chores16, vessel05 - Anime Trivia 65
club13, judo03, cow02, first14 - Seiyuu Guess 56
nyoro08, inept08, gentle14, extreme03 - Guess the Anime 75

my excel12, art16, flashy20, naryu17 for bee06/15, paradise19, stiff10 - formative
my england09, paradise17 for jump03, uranus03 - arushiraoi
my ants13, pyro05 for seong17 and stiff14 - perfectassassin
my sing02, wander07 for mirai01 - card pot
vain02, excel04, mary05 - Anime Trivia 64
arch10, panzer20, 66618 - Guess the Character 75
nobody11, six of cups- Happy Birthday 83

my scar01 for rescue17 - qc_heartless
my light15 for ctarl07 - qwertysaur
my euri07/11, repeat04 for common02, england09, stoic15 - ayasaki
my shinso14 for rescue08 - contesdefees
my protect02, shout18 for common11, run20 - thisisarisa
my drugs06, chair03/12 for broom10, laputa19, mine08 - shyguygoneawry
bank04, inept20, doctor15, nqm05 - level up
taichi16, horn12, prim17, bronze - BBS 37

my aniki18 for mirror20 - the_betrayer
my rikka02 for stiff07 - arcmutt
my wiki10 for rescue10 - sanggre_habagat
my coin10 for bokken01 - qc_heartless
raw09, rubber10, toy13 - Anime Trivia 63
cosplay07, bronze - Distorted 53
motor02 - Matching 40
fetish07, guilt13, dot08, novel19 - Scrambler 41
patch04/07/13/18, boo05/06/07/09/10 - graveyard

my klepto01/16, england14, elixir01 for hood17, extra01, pudding02/18 - haruhara
my direct12 first15, freeze11, left09, shallow17 for b07, cook17, jump16, pe19, range05 - chianna
my mascot09 for gravity09 - myrrhst
my taisho10, geass12 for hood15, stiff13 - cloudxsora
my junk06 for hood12 - relaxsama
jackal17, loka14, sake08 - Pick a Card 66
ditz19, music03, demon18, silver - Guess the Mangaka 35

my friend12, soda10, sick08, acto02, ditz03 for boo04, court20, dranzer08, extra11, flight16 - xtiggzie
my kitten09 for kronos08 - nyarmar
my council11, deli17, mamono05, nyan04, steppe16 for bee09, eight19, elixer01, excess14, klepto01 - tehkev
my pumpkin18, sitar10 for patch16, bear11 - rokeru

my mongrel03, dextra15 for rapt08, klepto16 - golden_bastet
my medium03 for ctarl17 - est_viaranis
my pain11, towel14 for driger01, kronos12 - chill_shadow
my haro07, materia12 for rescue01, gravity17 - techno_beat
my pen12, rebirth03 for agent20, jump13 - cookie_pixie
gifted rapt12 - golden
my actions14 for england14 - card pot
blade09, respect19, bronze - Distorted 52
trap15, agent10, boy14, medea20, gold - Seiyuu Guess 53
ace01, gay18, ignite19, poem13 - Guess the Anime 71
oto09, ningyo13, orussia06 - Anime Trivia 62
fuku08, freeze11, kitten09 - Happy Birthday 81
shrimp04, break19, ants13, bronze - Spot the Difference 48
choice07, nano03, pride05 - Guess the Character 74

my bomb05/11, easy14, krita02, support20 for bokken12, boo01/18, driger06, eight06 - haruhara
shout18, mirror11, find02, nyoro11, excess18, work15, fan06 - Scrambler 40
oha03, raw20 - Freebie 38
bank02, sing04, pumpkin18, mongrel03 - leveling up
bronze - Pick a Card 65

claw20, wiki10, clean05, embryo09, octava02, iris05, hiken03, ivory18, temen02, obey16, rescue11, usercard x 5, tsunderes's usercard - news post
my claw20 for rescue20 - stopping
my clean05 for gravity05 - ayasaki
my obey16 for rescue16 - playingmyrole
my octava02, iris05 for gravity02, rescue05 - akane_nara
my ivory18, temen02 for gravity01, bronze - chibiyaoichan
my hike03 for rescue03 - formative
my embryo09 for rescue09 - harumonic
my navi16 for gravity11 - xynare


my harp16, license09, lonely11, twili16 for okami11, jurai15, nankurinaisa 03 - kikai7
my patch09, esper02 for trust12, paradise11 - caitirin
cake06/07, bank20, truant12, wind02, sweep07, act02, hood10, seiryu09, suppi04, flame12, mariez03, theend17, bronze - mastering kuroi/annwn/pk/wits/cake
okama20, rain16, easy17, first15, bronze - Seiyuu Guess 52
sanity13, octi16, teddy08 - Happy Birthday 80
wander07, pink10, hunt12, bronze - Guess the Mangaka 34
herb11, jurai10, art16, bronze - Guess the Character 72
sea14, range18, council11, igura19, cygnus13, malice05, silver - Eye Spy 73/74
kunst06, loyal01, medium03 - Happy Birthday 79
direct12, taichi09, shell09 - Happy Birthday 78
surge05, flower12, thunder10, bronze - Scavenger Hunt 51

my boxes11, thug17 for fomicry06, kronos05 - playingmyrole
10 bronze, 2 silver, 1 gold for pk14/15, wits04/09/18, kuroi02/04/08/09, annwn07/09/13/18/19, cake10 - cert exchange

my clow-libra, 7cups tarot, 10wands tarot, lovers tarot, bitter03, despair09, rune03, marks02 for agent10, eight12, cook10, crash20, kronos02/17/20, pal10, run19, gray08, south18, prim18 - aikodestiny
my gray08, south18, prim18, melee08, raise08 for bio14, kuroi15/20, wits08/12 - skittlestemple
my alter20, cop02, jet13, mute11, steal09, wits01 for PK17/20 - card exchange
silver - Pick a Card 62

December 2008

my baiba16, barrel13, destroy02 for agent02, ctarl11, maru06 - chikky2k5

my cure04 for annwn10 - nyarmar
twins14, aniki02, bronze - BBS 35
mellow12, wild20, kanbal11, soda08, jail08, antic10 - Anime Trivia 54
sica05, lonely11, butler16, yoyo13, leafe16, violin15 - Laundry Basket 36
zwei20, criminel19, melee08, sing02, angel15, hope19, silver - Laundry Basket 35

my thought11, white19 for enkidu03/17 - alternate
cake04, clow libra, panzer08, bitter03 - mastering Rival, Silver

my brag19 for hood20 - playingmyrole
my common16, draciel07, holy11 for bokken10/13, pudding 17 - dia_aren_marie
my shades01 for kuroi06 - darkspineshadow
best03, thought11, haro07 - Guess the Character 71
hawk07, license09, corrupt06 - Guess the Character 70
cold02, bomb05, pen12, protect02, silver - Spot the Difference 46
navi01, robot20, deli17, bronze - Guess the Mangaka 33
trap17, lovers tarot - Scavenger Hunt 50
pudding19, mayu05, kaiser02 - Freebie 37
juken18, thug17, blood07 - Guess the Game 68
clank15, kronos11, rookie06, ango19, combat14, taisho10, euri11, boxes11 - Scrambler 39
bar18 - Matching 38
crash13/18, jurai01/03 - graveyard
6 bronze for rival06/11/18, silver11/14/17 - cert exchange

my eyes07, bitter11 for silver20, rapt06 - lucathia_rykatu
my repeat06, chair19 for silver07, rapt05 - amewarashi
my lord02, kyoto02 for bank16, bear10 - purinusesu

my debt20 for rapt04 - lcpdragonslayer
my height01 for enkidu01 - alternate
my twili13 for bee03 - bubbling_silver
my mushi07 for uranus01 - graverunner
bad08, steal09 - Freebie 36

my search16 for surge13 - megchan87
my karin16, queen of swords for rapt09, pudding11, kuroi05 - stopping
my boots14, clown09, solar15, tongari10 for blitz11, book02, neophyte02 - seiizur3
my bird11 for silver18 - chianna
my goal07, ruins04, arcus13, chor14, swarm15 for excess15, stiff08, agent11, agent14, PK13 - spiralheaven
my oto13 for bio13 - playingmyrole
pal18, pe12/13/14 - graveyard
rival04, uranus13, energy10, naryu17 for leveling up
savior05, clumsy12, nihao19, wits01 - Anime Trivia 58
obese09, mute11, surge19, mercury14 - Guess the Anime 69
jet12, sitar10, cool09, bronze - Scavenger Hunt 50

my thought05 for patch14 - xx_frenzy
my captain02, strahl09 for hyper01, hyper18 - darkranger
gay01, support20, sei20, kanbal12 - Pick a Card 61

my rebel05 for hyper20 - playingmyrole
my aspis12 for kuroi11 - haruhara
my angra11 for patch17 - rokeru
one silver - Pick a Card 56
kyoto02, excel12, bronze - Eye Spy 70
arrow07, bunny11, run10 - Happy Birthday 76
stalk17, esper02, sane14 - Guess the Character 69
iron09 - Matching 37
guise08, patch09, wands ten, beer02, mask04, psalms09 - Scrambler 38
aniki18, shallow17 - Freebie 35

my cards15 for kuroi07 - card pot
my sekiria19 for bird11 - greyrook_22
my armor14, bird07, bird13, focus04, focus11, rod19, rod20 for agent07, b12, bee18, enkidu14, hood13, kuroi12, kuroi17 - chianna
tongari10, uu10, silent02 - Scavenger Hunt 48
141205, chariot13, club15 - Scavenger Hunt 49
steppe16, nii14, storm18 - Guess the Anime 68
amita19, yomoru16, bronze - BBS 34
flat08, queen of swords - Guess the Mangaka 32

my knight19, ideal16 for ctarl19, gay04 - playingmyrole
my calm10, hack04, hack09 for dranzer01, kuroi19, RAPT17 - evilbo
my choke09, moral11, vice15 for bee08, paradise12 and RAPT15 - kittycatmew
my chariot06 for patch12 - politicologic
vain20, sinner12, jurai06, katana16, bronze - Pick a Card 60

my nurse13 for agent03 - xx_frenzy
cake03, harp16, wander13, food11, mail11 - mastering Omega/Zwei
drill05, karin16, bronze - Eye Spy 68
cloud03, aspis12, shooter01 - Happy Birthday 75
paradise17, fox07, sea11 - Guess the Character 68

November 2008 (cont.)

my shell06 for ctarl10, kuroi14 - chill_shadow
my tabi01 for flight18 - chrysa
rely20, materia12, chariot06 - Seiyuu Guess 57
my choke03, ditz01, doctor09, gush03, stone08, tail20 for omega06, omega12 - card exchange
8 bronze for omega14, omega16, omega17, omega18, zwei02, zwei12, zwei16, zwei19 - cert exchange

my mist13, knife04 for hyper06, crash17 - alternate
my flight01, war16 for driger09, kronos07 - death_the_kid
my mark08 for boo16 - haruhara
my lucky02 for rival16 - skittlestemple
boku09, steal03, okami18, lord02, bronze cert - Spot the Difference 44
bomb11, densetsu07 - Happy Birthday 74
focus04, krita02, swarm15 - Guess the Character 67
hani08, tan07, nyan04, sir02 - Guess the Mascot 35

my cargo12 for excess16 - perfectassassin
my zero05 for zwei08 - harumonic
my auriga19 for lively18 - chrysa
my cold07 for uranus15 - nesiax
my chozo06 for bee17 - duo_aurion
deity10, trick06, bust16, crash14, bronze cert - Pick a Card 59
cop02, nurse13, cygnus11 - Guess the Game 64
military09, confide03, alter01, vice15, range13, neck05, knife04, fetish05, tabi01, choke07 - Scrambler 37

my mage11, chic17 for eight16, enkidu11 - lucathia_rykatu
bronze cert, gift09, nyo18, cello11 - level up
adult06, driger05, enkidu06, respect11 - Graveyard
my wave12 for excess11 - stopping
my gold cert for patch03, omega03, dranzer02 - cookie_pixie

my chaos01 for flight05 - musikurt
my direct17 for flight02 - perfectassassin
my manage04 for edge11 - stopping
my akuma06, mayo11, try01 for mirai09, bio01 - greyrook_22
my draciel01, class30 for wits06, rival14 - dia_aren_marie
boots14, cargo12, masks08, tb14 - Seiyuu Guess 55
jupiter19, armor14, flight01, doctor09 - Guess the Anime 65
rose07, pain11, chores07 - Scavenger Hunt 45
left09, gush08, cow19 - Happy Birthday 72
warrior02, mute11, lion07 - Guess the Character 63
bar09, nittle15, geass12 - Guess the Character 66
common16, kasshin14, stone13, repeat06 - Guess the Character 65
crusnik17, shades01, mark08, friend12, bronze cert - Spot the Difference 43
war16, shinso14 - Freebie 34
zen14, ditz01, sharp15 - Guess the Game 63

my paper09, hack06 for patch19, rapt02 - cookie_pixie
my b01 for wits07 - cloudxsora
my mind10, jagan15 for pudding13, driger03 - akane_nara
light15, kinka16, senpai02, chozo18, bird07 - Scrambler 36

my god17, clever06 for flight03, maru05 - pedosaurus
my ring17, vain10 for stiff05, rival17 - playingmyrole
enkidu15, pudding01/05/10 - Graveyard
bobot09, punch20, bronze - mastering Heaven
raise08, chic17, twili16, bronze - Guess the Character 64
chaos01, direct17, bronze - Eye Spy 65
coin03, zwei13, draciel07 - Scavenger Hunt 44
destroy02, virg10, maou15, muscle15 - Seiyuu Guess 54
mainyu16, genius20, choke09, bronze - Guess the Mangaka 30
pride19, solar15, bronze - BBS 32

anime lj tcg: logs, (closed) anime lj tcg

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