yeah so im sitting at home. getting sick. ugh. i slept until 1. going get josh at 5 from his work. i think he is taking me out to eat. but i am sick, i dont want to go anymore.... hmmm... but free food. hell yeah! =) im such a fat ass.
yeah i dont have anything else to say. bored at home. <3U
yeah everyone knows i LOVE to eat. and im going out to eat at cheesecake bistro. YUMMYYYYYY. to add to my ever growing gut! yes! im going with tina and her friends. i like them they are cool. me and tina def should have met a longggg time ago.
I'm tired. Shit. Had school today, turns out my math class is a computer based class. meaning i get to take the course at my own speed and whatnot. meaning if i finish in a month i get to get out early. totaly awesome. thinking of taking another class. right now just spanish 2, and math. hmm... too tired to write anymore.
yeah so its 7:30 and im having a bad fucking day. i got 3 hours of sleep. i have been confused as to why i cant sleep good and wake up all hours of the night and cant go back to sleep all stopped up and what not
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school tomorrow. hopefully ill get my shit together. i really <3 my job. Tina is awesome and TY is probably one of the main reasons i applyed, and jonathan is cool. those are my favorites.but the job itself is cool
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