Holy crap, how many weeks?

Jan 26, 2009 22:51

My LJ says I haven't updated in 20 weeks, and I have been nudged by a few people, so I guess I can say something.


Home is good, for the most part.  I find it a struggle on the whole family/friends thing right now.  The weekends are really the only time I have with Andy, but on the same token, the only opportunity I have to get together with friends.  He and I had a knockdown drag out fight a year or two ago about it, and since then I am always very conscious to make sure he gets some family time and some us time on the weekends, but there are times when it is really freaking tough to squeeze it all into 2 days. Add to that, I traveled for almost a month total between September -December, and you can see how crazy it's been.

At this point, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel - the plan is for Andy to look for and hopefully permanently move to a first shift position once the girls are in school full time.  I think that will make a world of difference for us.  Andy seems to think he'd go back to second during the summer, but that would suck - I would rather pay for a summer program, or camp, or a sitter or something than that, but we'll see.

The girls:

The girls are a riot these days.  The stuff that comes out of their mouths is amazing and shocking to me.  One of Amelia's new favorite words is 'fabu' as in "You look fabu today Mama."  They both rat us out to the other parent - they told Andy that we like to watch a show about pretty ladies getting roses from a Prince named Jason (this season's The Bachelor) and recognized a song on the radio and promptly told me that Daddy plays this song on his guitar all the time (Barracuda by Heart - he doesn't play often with them up, because when he does, they only let him do something with the songs sung by females).

They love school and are thriving there.  I am glad they are in a program, but a couple of things since Christmas have been bothering me about there.  First of all, we were promised conferences in November, and we haven't had them yet.  The girls are a big fan of 'we did nothin' at scool today, Ma' so it would be nice to hear if they play together on their own, with friends, together with friends, that kind of thing.  Then one day, Andy sent them to school in fleeces so Audra wasn't wearing pink.  The teacher was fine with it initially, but when Andy got back, they asked that not come to school without pink again.  Really?  They've had since the first week of September to get to know them.  So I might start looking to see what else is out there.


In the past year, I have completely given up on the gym and eating any sort of healthy, and basicaly gained back everything I lost previously.  I had been hemming and hawing about what to do, and Rebecca (our gym owner) approached me to do the next big program they were doing.  I agreed, so now I am in week three of the program.  I am doing well so far, and working really heard towards making lifestyle changes instead of dieting to win a competition.  It's nice to get back into a routine where that is part of my life, but so tiring too.  I think I am starting to get over the exhausted hump and get back towards that great feeling after a good session.  There is a new teacher there, tring to get used to her style, I just have her for class; Rebecca is training Carla and me on Saturday mornings.


Work is good about 90% of the time.  I love my job, I love getting to meet our members, I love planning and organizing and pulling off our events.  I've been responsible for 2 smaller meetings and one big meeting, plus traveled to another one since my last post, and I leave for San Antonio for another one in a couple of weeks.  I can tell how much I've learned about this job in the past year, how far I've come.  One of the coolest parts of my jobs is developing relationships with some of the speakers we use more regularly.  People that I would have never gotten to know from all across the country I now can consider really good friends, and I keep in touch with them pretty frequently via facebook and twitter.  We're heading into a tough phase where people aren't necessarily traveling as much as they were in the past, but we've all been working so hard to get every single attendee at our meetings, I think we'll come through this okay.

Well, I think that's it.  I have pictures over on Facebook, if anyone is interested.  Now that it's so easy to upload pictures over there, I have a hard time uploading them a second time to post here.  Let me know if you want to be added over there, and I'd be happy to.

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